@Lola even if there’s no music or anything?
Yeah she does do it without music sometimes as well
My first thought was ‘so damn cute’. I don’t think you have anything to worry about x
she's happy :)
My daughter does this too! We've realized that when she does this she's either super happy about something or she's dancing to music 😆
Thanks this made me feel much better 😅
My daughter does this when she is excited or when music is on and dancing x
She just looks like she’s dancing 😊 she’s cute!
So cute 🥰
I think she's dancing . I mean even I do this . She's just singing a song in her head having a good old time
My daughter does this for music and excitement too x
Yep just dancing. My daughter does this all the time lol
That's normal my daughter does that it's her way of dancing