@Patricia ah ok, I thought you should ease off more gradually to avoid possibly mastitis and blockages ? Did your boobs just stay really hard and painful for 4-5 days then? I can’t believe it remained a bit for 3 years!
I was feeding twice a day and stopped, I had to express once or twice to relieve pressure and it took about 2 weeks for them to stop really hurting. They’re fine now, once or twice my daughter has hugged me and they’ve been sensitive/leaked but not painful x
Difficult to say, I breastfed my first one till 6 months old and was still producing till a few months ago (almost 3 1/2 years later) however the pain stopped after 4/5 days and my boobs went back to "normal" after that time. If you want to dry up you should stop pumping/relieving pressure otherwise you're body will keep producing.