90% of the time my girl wakes up crying, there are times she wakes up happy and just stands in her cot babbling away but it’s rare
My first baby (April 2021) ALWAYS cried upon waking. My April 2024 baby smiles and is happy when he wakes. Our routine has been the same for both so I think it's just the individual personalities of the babies. My almost 4 yr old sleeps fine now.
My 11 month old wakes up crying if he wakes up overnight but normally wakes up from nap and in the morning happy. It depends though!
My baby wakes up crying if he’s alone. He wakes up happy if I’m holding him. 🥲
My almost 11-month-old daughter wakes up crying every single time. I don't think I have ever seen her wake up without tears. She notices that she's in her crib or that I'm not beside her and immediately starts crying I think that's the reason. 🙃
Usually because they want comfort Wetdiaper, separation anxiety,teething etc…
I always put my baby down while she’s 1/2 asleep so she doesn’t wake up surprised and doesn’t depend on me to put her down every single time
I still do this and I’m 26
Don’t know if it’s normal but Mine wakes up crying My first did too
@Rachel 😂
It depends for my baby tbh. Like yesterday after his morning nap he woke up screaming crying. Then his evening nap he woke up smiling and blabbering. Usually in the morning he wakes up smiling and chattering! It’s been interesting because before he would wake up crying for milk always!!!