Milk in Tumtum

My baby is EBF and refuses a bottle, but she drinks water through a straw cup. I’m worried about when I go back to work in May, how my mother in law can get any milk into her during the day. If she will take a tum tum can she have milk in that? As I’ve read on the leaflet it comes with not to give any warm drinks
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My friend gives her girl milk in the tum tum cup, she just doesn’t heat it up in there and gives it barely luke warm x

I second Elena’s comment! My LG has the odd bottle of milk but tbh I’m going to move to the tumtum cup. She was poorly this week and wouldn’t breastfeed so I expressed and gave her it in the tumtum and she had a good drink from there. It was literally just expressed so was “warm” x

@Olivia my supply is quite low atm as in I think I only produce what she needs when breastfeeding. I don’t think I have enough to pump :( I might try her on formula and see if she will take it from the tumtum - with formula do you think I can make it and then leave it to cool until warm and then give it

I know it’s a pain to pump but have you tried pumping after your morning feed (if you do one) or in the morning? I can always get most off then! I’m going back to work in May too and I’ve been wondering how it will be with milk etc but I’m on a breastfeeding group on fb (BFYM - Breastfeeding support) and after a look on there, the general consensus is that when you RTW when they’re like 1 they should be ok on 3 meals a day with you just doing a morning feed/feeding when you’re back together. That way you wouldn’t have to think about introducing formula. However, if you need feel like you needed formula I would say make up and then let it cool off before putting it in cup ☺️ xx

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