Her behaviour has been more aggressive over the last few weeks. I've read books, to see if there are techniques that would help but she still has her days. She's also started asking for her dad a lot more saying she doesn't want me. It's hard not to take it personal when you're shattered from work etc at the end of the day and weekends seem like a struggle. That sounds tough, I'm complaining and I've only got one child to be responsible for 🫤 sometimes I don't feel cut out for this!
It is really hard but try not to take it personally when they prefer one over the other. My daughter does the same but it changes day to day with her. On Friday she was leaving to go to her grandparents for the weekend and dad got her cardigan wet when she was washing her hands so she was annoyed and said she doesn't love him and almost didn't hug him goodbye. Of course the biting isn't acceptable but sometimes they just say stuff and I don't think it's true. You aren't a failure, I've had the same thing where she said she didn't love me and I had had enough that day (have a baby as well) so left hubby to deal with it.
It's hard isn't it. So so hard. I'm finding the tantrums exhausting. The other week my 3 year old screamed for, and this is no exaggeration, 3 hours, because I didn't park next to a dark blue car. I really wish I was joking but I'm not. I've had to basically flick a switch inside of me to turn my emotions off because otherwise I'd be an emotional wreck all day everyday. But it's now meant I have absolutely no emotion to anything at all and people have noticed and some say it's like I have no soul anymore. I really hope it gets easier!
Thanks guys I guess I'd just reached my limit. It's so hard sometimes. When I spoke to the family they asked if she did it at nursery, which she doesn't. Which makes me think there's something we're doing wrong. Always questioning myself 🤷
Just another perspective, I've read that sometimes children behave worse with parents because they feel safe with them to let their emotions out, so she might actually be doing it because she feels safe with you.
Last night I put on a film and my son sat on my lap and cuddled in and told me he loved me 😍 my 1 year old also snuggled in which he never does either 😆 so I will appreciate and remember that moment the next time things are difficult.
So sorry to hear what you’re going through, is this a regular occurrence? I’m experiencing something similar with my little boy and it breaks my heart because we used to have such a strong bond when I was breastfeeding him and he was so clingy and I was the favourite 😆 I feel like things changed when he was around 2 and I was pregnant with my now 1 year old, he would spend a lot of time with my husband and his parents to give me a break, and when his brother was born my husband took a month off and was his primary carer so I can see why he now favours his daddy. My husband has just gone away for a week for work and my son keeps asking for him and saying he doesn’t like me 😢 He never listens when I tell him not to do things and I feel like I’m just not cut out for motherhood sometimes!