Teenage help

My 14 year old is so rude to my husband. They used to be so close. As she gets older she is getting worse. I keep praying it’s a phase and it’s not getting better. She’s spending more time with her dad and I’m sure that’s a huge part of it. He is so toxic and she’s doing a lot of things he’s doing. My husband used to support everything she did and now he’s completely given up and I do not blame him. Has anyone gone through this? This is the part in life where I wish I had friends so I could talk and vent to.
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It is definitely a phase, I was horrible at 14, I think most kids are!

We are going through almost the same thing with his 16 uear old. She lives with her mom and she will text my husband (her father) cursing him out and hating him. And they use to be so close

Ahhh yes I went thru not with my children but me, myself, I went thru this growing up. I hated my step-father with a heated passion & my bio dad was my whole world. Looking back the honest reason I turned on my stepdad is bc I felt he took my mom away from me & when I was with my bio dad a big deal was always made when I was there his whole weekend was based on me being there. When I all actuality it’s always been my stepdad who’s been there for me throughout my entire life. By the time I turned 17/18 my eyes were opened & me n stepdad got close again. Idk if ur situation relates to mine I don’t have a solution but I know things coulda better for me if my mom had spent more one on one time with me & didn’t put me 2nd to my stepdad. Also didn’t help that my mom hated my bio dad n was talking negatively about him to me. Daughters & their daddy’s can b tough road to travel. Try talking to her & letting her know how much pain she’s causing.

I was not pleasant to be around at 14 years old I haven’t gotten there as a parent yet myself, but I do recall being 14, and yeah it’s a ~phase~ of sorts.

I was a little shit at 14 try and get her to express her feelings in other ways

@Jennifer this sounds exactly like my daughter. I try to do one on one stuff with her. In fact she and I spend a lot of time alone together. She won’t open up to and she is just mean. Sometimes the old her will peak out and I get excited then she goes back. I pray so hard for her.

@Anna might just b good ol fashioned puberty & that phase where teenagers think being rude to their parents is how it’s supposed to b. Good news is tho girls grow out of this phase. Just takes time and A LOT of patience.

@Jennifer i hope so. I don’t remember ever being like this.

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