Tips for baby acne

My baby face been getting worse doctor only recommended to keep her face clean and Aquaphor But I need something to work better and sooner. Hate see her face like this
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My baby’s face looks the exact same😩I want to make an appt but I feel like they can’t do much I hate seeing it too everyday makes me upset

@Angelica Currao my doctor said I’ll clear up on its own but I’m not that patient

I’m on baby 2 and I’ll say it clears up and it doesn’t bother them. My first LO had a clear face I feel like by 3m

Try breast milk.

Hydrocortisone cream helped me when my youngest had this. Hope that helps!

I use aquaphor mixed with a little breast milk and my baby's cleared up within few days.

Tubby todd ointment! However my little one is 8 weeks & I haven't put the ointment on in weeks. It peaked at 4 weeks for about 2 weeks & it's been gone since. I heard it's because a balance of hormones. Now we are dealing with cradle cap... 😅

Mustela water and Aquaphor twice a day. Saw results the next day, I was definitely pleased.

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