Please help! Any advice for baby who hates getting changed out in public / changing rooms on high tables

My 10 month old baby absolutely hates getting changed out. She will cry and scream so bad I can’t even explain the cry. She never this upset for anything. We have been avoiding changing her out but feel like we need to start doing it more often as we will be going on a 17 hour long flight in July 😭😭😭😭
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I have had a phase of this, especially if it was other people changing her like Nan etc. I found exposure was the best way to get through it. I give her the changing bag to hold or something she “shouldn’t” have like a nappy or wipes etc. she loves that for some reason. I always use a cushioned changing mat under her head as well

I feel like with my daughter it’s more of the height of the changing tables? She tenses up and feels as though she’s going to fall maybe. As you said exposure might be the only way so feel like I should be doing it more often when we’re out and about 😩

Distraction is key. We went through a horrendous phase of nappy changing and it was just hell. Public was even worse. However, she's now allowed my phone for this short time and if I put Miss Rachel on, it distracts her long enough and we have no screaming or tears x

Before in public, not only was it hard work changing her, it was also dangerous when she's trying to get off the high table 😭

Changing spaces in flights are particularly tricky too (or atleast on short haul) so getting some practice in would be good. For your flight I would recommend removing socks and leggings/trousers before going to change eg. Leave just the vest. Definitely take things for distraction. Then just aim for as quick a nappy change as possible. The changing 'tables' on the flights I've been on are just a flat board and the changing mats slip off them too easily, so I would take anti bac wipes and wipe the surface and give the changing mat a miss.

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