@Gloria at around 8am
I’d put him down for an 8pm bedtime if he’s waking up at 8am as 12 hour night sleep is completely normal. You could try what we do, I’ll put below as an example- 7am wake up 2 hour wake window 9am nap until 10am 3 hour wake window 1pm nap until 3pm 4 hour wake window Asleep by 7pm - 12 hr night sleep Dunno if that helps to try? It works really well for us, obviously it’s not always to the hour but it’s roughly like that most days. Keep going with it for 3 days even if it doesn’t work day 1 or 2 and see how he adapts. Babies are also calorie counters so whatever he doesn’t drink/eat during his day time, he’ll want a top up at night (if that’s why he wakes up) xxx
When is the baby waking up in the morning?