Constipated baby

He's only properly taken to solids in the last couple of weeks, and is now consistently eating three meals a day. We've also cut out 90% of day time breastfeeds (now nighttime only). Our new challenge is constipation! Tiny hard little pellets which seem to give him stomach ache and hurt to pass. Anyone else having this or have any tips? I've just ordered suppositories in desperation!
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These purees helped my little lady... prune, pear and apple, I used the heinz variety but any brand will do the job. I also tried to get as much water into her as I possibly could during meals, she refused for ages so I had to pour some into her mouth with a free flow sippy cup, it'll be a mixture of tummy not being used to solids and not having as much fluids as his body is accustomed to, my HV said that if baby is passing something they aren't classed as constipated 🙄 (I used the txt messaging service as I didn't have a HV anymore) they also mentioned getting some baby probiotics to help the digestive system too but I didn't use them

Water has been key for us, months of constipation since starting solids and he still has bad days. Prunes sort him out of is been a few days but generally plenty of water helps massively he only really has small sips at meals so have to remember to offer it throughout the day and watery foods like melon and grapes etc I think might be helping

Weetabix for breakfast with pear, no banana until back on track, and plenty of water. This worked for us.

I've done spoonfuls of prune before and it works a treat. I give my baby some chia pudding for snack at home in the day and I believe this keeps her ticking over great as she loves it and it's full of fibre. Offering water all the time will help too

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