Sleep regression

My little boy turned 2 in January and all of a sudden he’s refusing to sleep in his own bed. He’ll only go down in his bed if he’s fallen asleep on me and I place him there.. he’s started to wake in the night and then wants to sleep with me. Which he’s never done before. Is anyone in the same position? Or has been? Does it get better 🫣
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My little boy also turned 2 in January and for the past few days he's been so hard to get to nap at night too. He's saying he's scared of the dark and he wants to cuddle (alot more than normal) before bedtime. I wonder if it's a sleep regression or their finding their fears! Hope it gets better for you mama ✨✨✨

yeah I think they do go through a regression my lg seemed to then it went better, just recently had the pox so now we up the wall again fml x

Yep about 6 days after her 2nd birthday she started getting upset when we left the room after kiss goodnight at bedtime, which hadnt been an issue for 10months, and had to stay in the room til fell asleep. Started waking up earlier then usual, and then started the night time wake ups, usually about every 2 hours, 3 or 4 times a night. Started bringing her into our bed around 4/5am 😬 about 10 weeks in, she's started doing longer stretches of sleep again. Hoping we've turned a corner 🤞🏻🤞🏻

We were in the exact same position in November- literally wrote a similar post myself at the time. My LG went from being a good sleeper to refusing to go down in her cot- she would fall asleep on our bed with me cuddling her then I would transfer her to the cot then she would wake around 10/11 and be in with us all night, it was so tough. What worked for us was to change to a toddler bed (got her all excited about it, new sheets and put her toys in there) then we made a decision that we would only settle her in her own bed and wouldn’t take her in with us. It was about 4 nights of hell if I am honest, she would cry loads but we was always with her comforting her. After that she started sleeping through in her own bed and now loves her own bed, still comes in for snuggles with us in the morning though! It’s so tough and co sleeping works for some family’s but none of us were getting any sleep when she was in with us 😩 Hope some of that helps xxx

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