@CharlotteYes I am. He did react. He got really itchy and red and must have had pains because was writhing. But it calmed down after half an hour. Omgoodness I’d love any advice you have!! Please. Especially meal ideas.xx
Not going to lie we are very lazy when it comes to meals due to my LO being so fussy and every allergic reaction sets him right back and wont eat, we stick to simple things like mash, beans, Jam on free from bread, homemade curry, salmon or tuna rice balls, homemade potato cakes, spaj bol, stews and just have yogurt/fruit for snacks. Our dietitian says its really common for kids with allergies to be fussy and not want to explore new foods so we dont pressure him because if we do he will just refuse to eat. He has a soya based diet really as he is allergic to oats,nuts,coconut,milk,eggs,wheat and garlic… The only advice id give really is dont feel bad because your not giving fancy meals that you see on instagram because this really affected me mentally and go really slowly if your LO struggles with trying food. We used priton meds from around 8 months old which works a treat when hes irritated. Aproderm for skin flare ups, try stay away from steriods it took us a year to ween my lo.
@CharlotteThankfully we’ve been able to avoid steroids up until now. And I hope we can continue to do so. It’s not easy when it gets shoved down your throat at every point of contact! We’ve got tubes and tubes of hydrocortisone and eumovate in the house. Which have been left untouched. But I just didn’t have the energy to continue pushing back! Bear in mind they just prescribed them without trying to see if eczema was due to allergies or intolerances! I’ve cut out dairy, egg, fish and lentils. I’m suspecting he might have a wheat intolerance too. And potentially oats. Just waiting for his redness to calm down and then try the oats. I’ve chased the allergy clinic for an allergy test. Just waiting to hear back. I’m just so paranoid with breastfeeding… cos scared to trigger a reaction!
Im assuming your breastfeeding I was in the same situation at you, personally i think it depends on how sensitive the allergies are as when my lo was really young, it felt like if i even smelt dairy it would flare/irritate him but now hes 16 months old i can have a milky cup of tea and he seems fine At one point i was cutting out 10+ foods as he is allergic to alot which is obviously not ideal for anyone but over time we have learnt what he can and can not tolerate through breastfeeding, honestly its so hard sometimes but you’ve got it, it does get easier x