Going through same thing too. Also led me to co-sleeping. I got the owlet sock, makes me feel a little less anxious and able to sleep better.
I just had to up our girls feed to 4 oz every 2 - 2.5 hours…. I’m hoping that she’s just going through a growth spurt of some sort but she is screaming every 2 hours and then she passes tf out after bottles. Dad said I wasn’t feeding her enough at 3 oz. Maybe he was right? She is sleeping through the night once I feed her her 10/11 pm bottle. Next bottle is usually 5 am
This is normal :) Im co sleeping too. There are safe ways to do so! Just look into it. I realized (this helped me a ton) I just gotta go with the flow of my 4month old. Recently Hes been sleeping much longer. But the way I got this to happen was waking up before he did and while he was asleep right before he was due to wake up I’d pop a boob or bottle in his mouth (prepping already pumped bottles for the night will help you too) eventually he started to sleep longer because he realized he didn’t need to wake to be fed. And slowly I stopped. He now goes to bed at 8pm sleeps till 1am for a feed, then again at 5am and sleeps till bout 9:00-10:00 am.
Im also a single mother so I had no choice but to kick my ass into gear. If you have the help of a partner take advantage of that!
Going through the same. My eldest was the same too. You're not doing anything wrong I promise. It gets better, sadly I can't say when as every baby is different but hang in there. You're doing an amazing job x