Advice with constipation

Hi everyone, my son is 2 weeks old and is suffering with constipation. It’s really making him unsettled. We can see he’s trying to poop but no luck. Anyone have any advice on what we can do to help him? We’ve tried tummy massages and the bicycle method but no luck 🥺🥺🥺
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Hiya, we had this problem too. Our boy would strain and strain constantly and was so painful to watch. He would go 4/5 days without pooing. He has cows milk protein allergy and we’re now on a formula through the GP and it instantly stopped. We were advised to change formula first before we found out and also told that babies can go up to 7 days without pooing xx

My little one has kendamil 8 days old and we have found he’s only done one poo today and that was because it was in a bath. So possibly a bath? I’m worried about my little guy as his poos seem pretty solid and there was lots of it. I’ve given him some of my colostrum to see if that helps as midwife said it was a laxative. Not sure if you’re able to pump? X x

Is he having breastmilk or formula? My son will be 2 weeks tomorrow and he was also constipated but I realised it was from the formula so I stopped giving it (he only had it for the first 2 days). The only way I got him to poop was laying him down, putting some coconut oil on an earbud and putting just the tip gently inside his bum and slowly massaging it and also massaging his bumhole with my thumb. Sounds weird but it works and he had poo explosions after that 😂 This also works on yourself when constipated, it stimulates the bowels

@Ellesea It’s not normal for babies to go up to 7 days without pooping..especially as a newborn and especially if they’re breastfeeding. Ignore what you were being told because babies will be in a lot of pain and discomfort if they don’t poo regularly. Even adults would be uncomfortable to not go toilet for that long.

It must be the milk !!! Change it.

I'm breastfeeding. Experiencing the same with my 4 week old. This has been occurring for a few weeks. Gripe water helps him relax. Warming the milk and Camilia Tummy gas drops helps ease the pain. I have also tried "bum" massages at every change, with a wipe, though. The pressure point foot massage helped a few times. Nothing has been consistently working to remedy this issue completely. He was on formula first while I waited for my milk to come in, so I thought it was that. I just stayed taking a probiotic and a kendamil baby probiotic. To see if that will help. My doctor says his body is learning how to pass gas and poop, just like they have to learn other development things. She did say not to worry if he doesn't have a daily poop. There are some conflicting messages there, it seems.

We did this w our son when he was about the same age…but massage/stick the tip of your pinky in the booty hole 🫣 worked right then and there.

Hey, definitely try a warm bath. It worked for us. Also massage the bottom of his spine/rub his bum before putting him in xx

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