Co sleeping

Did anyone start properly co sleeping later on like say after 6 months old? Interested to see why people started and how it’s going/how old babies are now. If they are still co sleeping etc We’ve recently ended up permanently co sleeping baby is 10 months old. Wondering how long this may go on for etc I love having baby next to me in bed
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Ours was probably around 10 months when we started co sleeping regularly. The 8 month regression had me up every hour for months so started co sleeping as it was the only way I could get any feasible amount of sleep. He hated the cot and would wake on every single transfer so co sleeping on a floor bed eliminated that issue for us. He's almost 19mo now and we co sleep every night.

Ive been co sleeping from the start as an older mom breastfeeding made me so tired ( like a zombie) co sleeping was the only way i got any sleep and we are still co sleeping and breastfeeding and hes 2.5 years old and doing great, we both sleep through the night

I was cosleeping with my son, as he just wouldn't settle and this way we all got sleep. It was just me and baby in the bed to clarify as otherwise there wouldn't be enough space. For us ot went until he was 3 years old when he transitioned to his room and his bed

We started co sleeping when bub was around 7 months old. Before that, we had him in the cot next to me, but decided to try co sleeping and absolutely loved it. Bub is now 21 months and we still co sleep. My hubby and I both love having him in the bed with us, it’s the best waking up to his beautiful smiley face 🥰 and he is so happy and sleeps really well. We will transfer him to his own floor bed at some point, but we don’t want to do that till he’s ready.

I started later. Can't remember exact age but remember he had togged sleepsuit aged up to about 1 and was still putting him in his cot then. I caved because he was getting bigger and heavier to sit on the side of the bed to breastfeed back to sleep every hour or 2 and I'd never had more than that amount of sleep since he was born. Tried laying him on the bed to feed him and he settled so much better and we would both fall asleep and although he'd still wake me I felt more rested and he seemed better for it. I still put him down in his cot when we first go to bed and he now lasts up to 3 hours sometimes a little longer but I still bring him to bed with me when he wakes just because its easy and it's working so never tried to change it. He's 2 now.

My girl slept in her bassinet wonderfully until we moved at 5ish months and we had our mattress on the floor for about a week so the bassinet was too high for me to have easy access to her. We co slept that week and then just never stopped. We’re now 11 months in and still going strong

My daughter was a dream sleeper for the first 7 months then it all went downhill with split nights and multiple wake-ups. Started co-sleeping late at 18 months and still doing it now she’s 3. I love it personally and wish I’d started it so much sooner.

Thank you all so much for your comments ❤️ love how many of you are enjoying sleeping with bubs as much as I am xxx

We started cosleeping around 6 months. Baby girl is now 8 months. I love it and she sleeps so much better between me and her dad. It’s so lovely to wake up to her little face 😊

I started at almost 1. She moved into her own room/bed when we moved house when she was just shy of 2. She has a double mattress on the floor so if she's struggling and needs me I go and get in with her.

@Dani @Natalie thank you ☺️

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