Sleeping on their tummy

Am I the only one putting my baby to sleep on their tummy? My little girl is 14 weeks and 5 days old, and she’s been napping on her tummy since she was 11 weeks because it helps her sleep longer during the day and then she rolls to her back when she’s waking up. At night, though, she sleeps on her back. I’m curious—does anyone else put their baby to sleep on their tummy at night?
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I do. It was absolutely nerve wrecking, I'm a terrible sleeper anyhow so I literally watched him all night. He moved his head properly when need to and still does. He lifts his head up when he wakes. So now he sleeps on his tummy day and night. Kinda wish I did it with my first as he never ever slept

That’s good to know! I just wondered if anyone does it too. I’m a bit terrified to put her on her tummy during the night in case something happens. How old is your baby when you started doing this? Also is your baby on his sleeping bag?

@Ayessa I was the same! I did day time naps only for weeks and watched him like a hawk so I knew he'd be okay. Plus my partner never put him on his back because 'he's uncomfortable' 🙃 I'd say he's been doing it since 7/8 weeks properly and at night from 10 weeks. Yeah still in his sleeping bag x

@Chloe Interesting! I might start doing it too, just scared to put her on her tummy whilst she’s wearing a sleeping bag as she might not be able to roll to her back. How about when you’re out and about and your baby fell asleep, do you put him on his tummy too?

My little boy slept on his tummy from 4 months. But he did put himself there himself day and night. If I put him On his back he would roll straight onto his tummy from When he could roll at 4 months. It scared the life out of us to start with but he was fine. Still sleeps on his tummy now at 2.5years My little girl is 4 months and no signs of rolling yet at all so put her down on her back , although at the moment she is quite happy there

My daughter is 4 months and she’s been sleeping on her stomach since she was around 2 months. She refused to sleep on her back and would constantly wake up in the night

@J my wee boy is exactly the same

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