Help to increase supply please and thank you

Any advice ladies! My supply is utter crap! All I do is breastfeed and my baby (12w) is so hungry so I’m topping up with formula. I’ve been pumping now for a few weeks to try quantify mls (instructed to keep a feed diary due to low weight) and no matter what I do, it’s only ever 50ml! I’m drink 2/3l a day, taking supplements, oats for breakfast, pumping every 4 hours and still 50ml only. My son is getting bigger and hungrier and I cannot even fill a single 6oz bottle. I’ve got no chance of giving him 6x 6oz bottles a day or getting ahead to store any. Any hints on getting that milk supply up, please I’m desperate! He’s on formula now more than milk and it’s just not going up. I was crap at producing with my first kid too 😢
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So the quantity of breastmilk does not change between 1m and 6m. It doesn’t need to increase, unlike formula which does need to increase. The make up of it will change to provide exactly what your baby needs. So I don’t think you’d need that much in breastmilk Tbh I would work with a lactation consultant. Linked my favourite below or you can call the national breastfeeding hotline for free (UK)

Also, to add to what Moon said, the baby may also seem to always be hungry because they are going through a growth spurt and they need to cluster feeding. Continuing to just breastfeed through these times and allow them to cluster feeding helps increase the supply of yours is indeed dwindling. I almost lost milk supply due to tongue tie at about 8 weeks. I succeeded to get it back by taking Shatvari supplements and ensuring I power pump after every feed or once a day at least (that is pump for 20 rest for 10, pump for 10 rest for 10 and pump for another 10)

Also, hydrate hydrate hydrate. Hydration is one of the most important piece too

I know that everybody is different, my advice for you, If i were you. Give your baby your breast more and for every bottle of formula you give to your baby you have to pump. Try to nurse your baby or pump between 1 to 5 am since that time milk hormone is the highest. Power pump at least once a day. Hydration drink like coconut or body armor Foods ( high protein diet, oats , flaxseeds , healthy fats , sesame seeds or tahini ) Hot tea( anise, fennel and mother milk tea)

From experience in increasing supply by pumping, I do a power pump which lasts an hour because of breaks in between every-night between 2am to 5am when prolactin levels are high. As well as hydration, you need to consume a lot of calories, along side my meals i try and have at least 4 smoothies, consisting of fruit oats and peanut butter. Make sure you have the right flange sizes they actually matter! But note that a baby is better at increasing supply than a pump.

Everyone is saying power pump which yes does work 100% But coconut water…trust me i literally got mastitis cause of how engorged I got 😭

make sure you measure your nipple size! correct flange size increases supply. nenesupply or maymom has flanges on amazon. use coconut oil and lube your tatas before pumping! mothers love tea! pump 6-8x a day, power pump. any questions feel free to ask. massage during pumping use the correct setting

Are you eating enough calories to sustain your supply?

oreos help too

I worked with a lactation consultant and I just kept pumping 10-15min after every feed, every 3 hours.

At 12 weeks they have a big growth spert. Just keep putting them to the breast. It might feel like they basically live on your breast and that's fine. It's totally normal for a baby to be on even every 10 minutes.

Is he having enough pee & poopy diapers? Is he generally happy? Is he gaining weight? That's how you can tell if your supply is enough! Also keep in mind you can never pump out as much milk as your baby can directly feeding so don't use that 50ml/pump as a guide!

Thank you all ❤️ I’ve taken everything you’ve all said onboard and am going to keep trying. I’ve seen an infant feeding team and my flange size is right, his latch is right, my technique is good, he’s just not gaining weight much at all and my pump is pitiful so I was advised to top up with formula. I will pump every hour or so and do the power pumping. Nipple balm at the ready! 😂 Definitely eating enough, I never stop. I’ve ordered coconut water to try, anyone know how many 330ml cartons to drink (on top of my 2/3l of water). I’ve been drinking hotmama tea and putting flaxseed on my porridge since he was born but they’ve made little difference. When my milk came in I left hospital with 300ml of milk on day 4! I had overflow in the fridge, it was pouring and I thought my journey would be easy as my first bf journey with baby 1 was a battle. After a few weeks though, it just vanished. Got no letdown with a haaka and my left barely pulls 10ml after 20 minutes of pumping 😢

Thanks though, I’ve had a good cry and read everything. I’ve looked at a few consultants too, I just wish I could have the same easy journey others do. I won’t be doing this till he’s 6m at this rate, I’d have loved to be one of those mummy’s blessed with 1/2 year experiences but it’s just stress every single day.

Awww. Although might sound like our journeys were easy, I am quite sure most were not. I feel you. When I almost lost my milk supply I stressed a lot and felt… insufficient… and felt like all I was doing was feeding and pumping. But this too shall pass. In the meantime we do what we gotta do. When you pump might be an idea to also look at pictures of the baby or have baby nearby and sniff them. 😅 It should also help you generate more milk

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