@Raynelle thanks for sharing. It’s so tough to know what they’re trying to say or explain clearly what they actually mean. At the moment I don’t feel like my son is making anything up, as mainly he doesn’t have a reason to or gain anything out of saying it. But I do realise that can be a thing as they get older. I’ve noticed he almost always has a bowel movement after, so I don’t know if his tummy is actually hurting before he needs to go or if he just feels the bowels moving and thinks that’s pain.. i hope that makes sense
Mine used to do that when he needed to poop, it was him figuring out the feeling of needing to poop but it's the only word he could use to describe it
I think you right. I am noticing that. We are potty training and I’m still learning how to support. This app helps me daily.
An allergy can come on any time, maybe sensitive to lactose? If it's mild it can cause a bit of cramping prior to the poop and definitely make them looser. Otherwise everyone's kinda on par. He could be learning the feeling of needing to go.
Yes my son just turned 3 and has been saying this. The first day he told us he actually threw up at daycare. But after that day it’s been false pain. So it’s hard to believe and not believe at the same time