Have you tried only swaddling her torso and letting her hands be free? You could also ask your pediatrician about slightly elevating one side of the bassinet if she has reflux, but I wouldn’t advise doing that unless a medical provider recommends it. You can also play around with waiting different amounts of time before you place her down in the bassinet.
So with my first I was so scared of bed sharing that I did the recliner thing too. Until one night she slid down and I woke up with her trapped in the crook by my hips. She was ok obviously but I immediately switched to safe bedsharing. You can look up “Safe Sleep 7” for rules on bedsharing safely. It’s a million times safer than the recliner I promise. On a different note. Bassinet sleep is really only achieved through consistency. You have to keep at it even if baby wakes every 20 mins until baby eventually gets more used to it and sleeps longer stretches. At least that’s what I’ve found.
congrats on your cutie! try rocking your baby to sleep/walking around the room while you have a heating pad in the bassinet and then remove it and transfer her slowly into it (butt first or rolling her on her side onto her back to avoid the startle reflex). mine also loves having her hands free so we swaddle her with her arms out
Try a chiropractor for reflux! This sounds like my first and I really wish I had known that was helpful! Also don't be afraid of safe cosleeping. Did it with my second and night and day difference