Introducing Formula

Hi mamas, I need some insight on introducing formula on some feeds to my son. He is breast/bottle-fed but as he is growing, I can tell he requires more and I’m afraid I’m not producing enough for him. He gets fussy and I get very stressed out :( Has anyone introduced formula to their breast/bottle-fed babies? What’s the best way to do it? Also, any brands you recommend?
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We recently started doing this! We combo fed. So slowly added like .5 oz then 1 oz and then 2 ozs mixed in with breast milk. At first we tried 50/50 and he rejected it. So I suggest slowly introducing it. We started with enfamil gentleease since his sister liked it when she was a baby, but it just gave him WATERY poops and made him spit up a bit. We then tried similac 360 and we didn’t have any of those issues at all! But it’s really pricey so now we are using the Costco brand formula which is basically similac pro advanced. It’s even made at the same facility lol. And he seems fine with it. So for the most part we settled with 2 ozs and starting Monday we’ll move to 3ozs of formula mixed with breast milk.

I combo feed and have found that the kendamil goat formula keep his poops the most similar to all breastmilk. Goat milk is supposedly the closest to breastmilk, and he seems to tolerate it much better than regular formulas.

I will also say that it can sometimes be a pain to find though 🥲 but we go through 1 can a month so it’s been doable to stock up when we see it and have plenty for when it’s not as easy to find.

@Montine have you tried the organic kendamil?

@Ana we haven’t! But baby boy seems to have trouble digesting cow milk. I’ve gone dairy free because we were struggling with bad tummy pain and awful poops. The first few formulas we tried were standard cow milk and his tummy couldn’t handle it at all!

I was combo feeding for awhile and then eventually switched to formula just because it became too much on me. I switched to the formula by heart and she has been doing great!

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