Sleep is for the weak 🙃

Anyone else’s baby not like to sleep? LOL. My baby girl is about to be 5 months and I swear ever since she was 2 months old, she won’t nap for more than 30min, 3 times a day. She also will only sleep 9ish hours total at night. Maybe one day she’ll nap for longer 🫠
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Solidarity! We are also firmly in the crap nap phase with my 3 month old. If he makes it to 40 min it’s a miracle

Same here. Mine only naps once a day since she was 8 months old (1 year now). She often wakes up during the night too

Yeh this was us until quite recently but the day naps have started improving and we have the odd day where I’ve started to see a longer afternoon nap emerging. Often still needs work from me, eg walking in pram but it feels promising & I can start to believe that there might be a time soon where she’ll go down in her bed for a proper sleep 🤞🤞🤞 Similar total overnight for us, been 4 wake ups until recently but again that’s dropped back to 2 in last few days. Little girl just turned 6 mths

We’re in the exact same situation. Daytime naps have always been this shit tbh so I’ve kind of accepted that but she at least slept 12 hours overnight until a couple of weeks ago, she’s started waking up early in the morning and is now only getting 9 hours overnight 😭 idk how to fix it as I’ve brought bedtime forward but she’s just getting up earlier. I’m hoping the clocks going forward at the end of the month will somehow fix it?!

@Kate love when they oversleep by 10 minutes 😂

@Kirstin ah love to hear that! Hoping she keeps up the trend so you can get more rest 🫶

@Dana I’m glad to hear im not the only one! Wishing all the sleep for your baby 😅

My 8 month old is currently doing 2 30-45 minute naps, but hey she usually sleeps decent chunks at night time. My oldest is my low sleep needs kid and I feel so guilty complaining about being tired now because of it. He did go up to a 2 hour nap when he dropped to 1 nap at 9 months, so there is hope there for that longer nap. He still won't sleep longer then 10 hours at night and thats if he sleeps in.

Are you putting her down for naps or contact napping?

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