We got one as a gift for his first birthday. He's not quite walking exactly yet and he's a bit petrified on it
But it's decent for a balance bike overall
We did a Schwinn helmet from target
( young toddler helmet)
@🩷 Patience 🩷 my son’s 19mo in the 97th percentile for height so I think he’s a little “wild bby” compared to some, his dad is a board sport/biker, so he’s seen alooooot of bikes. He tried to take another toddlers bike at the park yesterday and I felt so bad he doesn’t have his own😂 I’m sure it’ll be a learning curve though! He rides a rocking horse pony! So he has some balance🥴
@Elizabeth ya my son can ride a rocking horse but that was pretty difficult in the beginning, he kept falling off the back lol! Hopefully he’ll be able to use it, I’m more worried about him going down an incline and lifting his legs up! I feel like I’m going to have that kinda biker kid😬
I see a balance bike as a wally to get them used to balancing and the idea of a bike in general
I've seen parents walking with their kids on flat areas of Greenway with a balance bike .... Around here
If that helps
We’re getting bikes? 😭 I can’t even get my toddler to ride her pony without me pushing her because she doesn’t wanna use her own legs lol!