@Kellie yeah he’s in undies and or with pants but he’ll pee on himself, sometimes cares that he’s wet. I’ve had him help clean his pee on floor and put dirty in hamper and had him touch the wet vs clean dry and explain to him pee goes in potty and I ask him where does poo go, he says potty, ok and where does pee go? And he’ll say potty, he just refuses to go and when I take him he throws himself off the potty and whines but with poop he’ll run for it and poop. How old was ur son? So he potty trained with both simultaneously in the same weekend?
He was 2y3m. Yes both in same weekend. It was a really hot weekend though, he was running around in the backyard at my sisters house w his cousins playing w the water sprinkler getting wet, and the first couple pees were on the grass (he didn’t make it to the toilet, couldn’t hold it that long) but I didn’t mind as he was still learning the feeling of needing to go, by the time we went into the house in the arvo I made him go every hr and stand there until he peed (we used a stool and he stood, she had an insert there already for her own kids so we used that) so he learnt standing up.
@Kellie oh ok I see, man I’ve been trying on and off since he was 18 months and stopped when he didn’t seem ready and tried again. This is 4th try and he goes back to school on Monday and I’m hesitant to put the diaper back on cause at school if he’s not actively making the attempt with pee then they’ll throw a diaper on. I have been trying to get him to pee standing to see if that’s better for him and has seen his dad go a bunch of times. I have gotten him to the potty in time with either sitting or standing but it hasn’t clicked I guess
My 18 month old will poop in the potty every time but peeing we are still learning. I don't think he fully knows when he has to go. I set him on the potty when he first wakes up from night time and nap time, before bath and then about 30 minutes after meals and drinks. But that's no him saying he needs to go
Is he still in diapers though or is he peeing in undies? My son demanded to change his undies asap after he peed in them he hates feeling wet and I reminded him “don’t pee on Sonic! Don’t get him wet!” Lol. And I took him to toilet every hour even if he didn’t want to, until he could tell me he needed to pee I stopped doing that, but I still remind him hourly when he’s playing or before we leave the house or I walk past a toilet somewhere I still ask. He got poop and pee in a weekend though so it didn’t take long.