Night time potty training

I began potty training my 2 yo the day after his second birthday. He’s 2 years and 2 months now. It’s been about a month since his last accident and he just recently began pooping in the potty also. When is a good time to begin night training him? And how the heck do you night train? He wakes up in the morning and after his nap with a fully loaded wet diaper. I should note that he also drinks about 9 ounces of breast milk before bed and before naps.
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You can’t night train, it’s hormonal.

@Emily so when will he pee in the potty at night then?s I read many mom on this app saying they night time potty trained?

You can’t night train, as mentioned above it’s hormonal. You basically just have to wait until they consistently wake up with a dry nappy, or wake up asking to use the toilet.

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