We got ours from Amazon but especially for the price this can literally cope with anything. It's been through icy ground and muddy fields, gravel and all sorts. https://www.argos.co.uk/product/3428768
Out and about nipper, I use this with my 14 month old and it's fab. We only got it when she was 10 months but I wish I had it sooner. It's so smooth and brilliant through mud and uneven paths. I always felt a bit anxious baby wearing over tree roots etc. We have an all weather/terrain dog 😂. There's a good resale value to them and a FB group if you want one second hand.
@Ali thanks! I’ll definitely look at this one
I have the uppa baby vista used for my first (now 2) and will use for this one too. I got this due to a lot of outdoor walking and we have a dog too. Not the cheapest but for us has been worth it.
I’d second the uppa baby vista we use this on our dog walks, you’ll need a pram with big wheels for countryside walks 🙂 I’ve also heard amazing things about out and about if you are not wanting such a conventional pram
i don't personally have one but i'm sure the out n about range is really good for countryside walks x