Best pram for countryside walks?

Hi! I’m currently trying to look at what the best type of pram would be to get as I do lots of countryside walks whilst walking my dog. I.e. fields, gravel, uneven paths. My sister came on a recent walk in a field with her pram and we really struggled to push it around! This is my first baby so I have zero knowledge of prams 🥲 Any help is much appreciated!
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i don't personally have one but i'm sure the out n about range is really good for countryside walks x

We got ours from Amazon but especially for the price this can literally cope with anything. It's been through icy ground and muddy fields, gravel and all sorts.

Out and about nipper, I use this with my 14 month old and it's fab. We only got it when she was 10 months but I wish I had it sooner. It's so smooth and brilliant through mud and uneven paths. I always felt a bit anxious baby wearing over tree roots etc. We have an all weather/terrain dog 😂. There's a good resale value to them and a FB group if you want one second hand.

@Ali thanks! I’ll definitely look at this one

I have the uppa baby vista used for my first (now 2) and will use for this one too. I got this due to a lot of outdoor walking and we have a dog too. Not the cheapest but for us has been worth it.

I’d second the uppa baby vista we use this on our dog walks, you’ll need a pram with big wheels for countryside walks 🙂 I’ve also heard amazing things about out and about if you are not wanting such a conventional pram

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