I can't offer too much I'm afraid, apart from say hang in there! I was getting really worried about my LB, he was the same flat out refusing to do anything, then all of a sudden he had one wee on the toilet and was well away. I definitely wouldn't say we've cracked it, he'll only wee on the toilet at home or grandparents, but I'm really proud of how well he's doing!
I’d say that she’s actually not ready if she’s refusing to go to the toilet. What makes you say she’s ’definitely ready’?
I could have written this myself. Mine is definitely ready, happy to sit on the toilet at nursery and she started telling them when she needs to go but just doesn’t want to at home and won’t tell me. We’re 3 weeks in, initially she was happy to go, excited about wearing knickers and her sticker chart and we had some good days where we were making progress but now it’s just constant no’s and tantrums. Hasn’t helped that she’s a massive mummy’s girl since her brother was born 11 months ago so daddy can’t help her with anything any more, she flatly refuses the toilet with him. After a horrible week with her brother being ill and a stint in hospital for him I’ve put her back in a nappy this weekend. I know she’s ready because last night she took her nappy off and went for a wee on the potty herself, so bloody frustrating and we’ve been told by nursery she can’t go up to the preschool room until she’s toilet trained so o don’t know what to do now but know I need to take the pressure off
Off her and me and revisit in a few weeks time maybe. I feel your pain, I’ve hated potty training so far x
That was us in January! She just didn’t get it. I just gave up and we revisited in half term. It took 4 days at home and she pretty much just got it. Doesn’t tell me, she just goes. I hated potty training prior to our third attempt where it felt easy. Maybe she’s not ready yet?
I felt like my little girl was ready for quite a while and we didnt really perservere with trying at the start as i was heavily pregnant and HV advised us to avoid trying when any big changes were about to happen, but then she started refusing altogether so was worried we missed the boat. I left it a while and a couple of weeks ago took her to pick her own carry potty and underwear and since then she was excited each time she got to go to the toilet and also to get a sticker after each time she goes in the potty or toilet. Maybe just take a week or two off then try it again?
My little girl didn't like the no nappy/naked feel approach when I tried to do it at home over a few days.. so we put her in knickers that we went shopping for and she chose.. Then knickers and leggings and that made all the difference for some reasons.. And she skipped the whole potty thing too.. Straight to the toilet.. She wanted to be like mummy.. because I can't even have a pee in peace anymore .. But I guess that helped in the end 🙄😂😂
Don’t listen to people who say they have cracked it! It takes time, my boy still has accidents and doesn’t always tell us. If it’s getting too much, stop and try again. Make potty time fun, lots of excitement, take her with you when you go, I found this helped with my boy.
My son took like a month to crack about 70%. And poos took about 2 months before he actually did one on the toilet completely randomly of his own accord. Even now at nursery he will have a wee accident a day and we trained way before Christmas but with us he is fine now and rarely has an accident. I have a lot of friends who are in the same boat and just depends on the child. Some really do crack it quickly and others take a while. We did a dinosaur reward jar which helped with poos and a little chocolate or treat when he went that did help. Once we committed to no more day nappies we just stuck with it but some wait a few weeks and return which can also work so up to you but basically don’t get disheartened it isn’t really quick I think that’s normal.
My son is very hit and miss, somedays he’ll do fantastic with one accident and others days like today for instance has refused point blank of putting pants on or sitting on the potty.
Yeah I feel we’re getting nowhere but it’s like it’s so hard to fit in, we’re busy, we’re trying but I feel in some ways it’s down to me and my partner that we’re not cracking it, he’ll happily sit on the potty at home, we’ve had some wees and a poo but it’s like he likes to sit there to read books for half an hour every time, and I just don’t have the time or the patience for that multiple times a day! I have a 9m old too 🤦🏽♀️
@Philippa I feel you, I have 9 month old twins and somedays it’s a breeze to fit in but when I’m rushed off my feet none stop with all three off them, I just haven’t got the energy to deal with it but I think considering, my LB is doing fab! I also feel like I get somewhere and then their dad undos all my hard work! I think I had almost cracked it last week, then his dad took him out for a few hrs last Sunday but refused to take him out without a nappy because they were going out in the van and it’s a 40 min round trip ( he just couldn’t be bothered ) and now this week I’m back to refusing pants/potty and it’s just up and down. This cycle has happened 3 times now, and I’ve tried explaining to their dad that it’s just updoing all mine and our son’s hard work but I may as well speak to the wall! Xxx
My son is hit and miss. He does great some days. Mostly at nursery and will go with no to very few accidents but then when he's at home, it's like he just becomes lazy and doesn't let us know he needs the toilet and just does a wee in his pants wherever he is. Kicks off with us saying he wants to wear a nappy instead 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️