
Trying to get my little girls eczema under control - the first photo were before the Aveeno, and the last two are tonight. I’m at a complete loss 😭 Is this her reacting to Aveeno? We’ve tried about 3-4 different creams/ointments and nothing is working! She is soooo itchy, she’s on antihistamine twice a day, and she’s on oat milk, no dairy.
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I would book a doctors appointment and keep documentation of how bad it gets, they may be able to prescribe something x

Do you have a prescription from your doctor? We got one and last appointment I told her it works a little. She told me to apply Vaseline over the top of the ointment. It has helped a lot! We also have to keep my son in long sleeves and pants so he doesn’t scratch it all open. So sorry. It’s so tough! My son gets it on his face too and licks under his lip. It’s been a lot worse since winter. Hope the warmer weather helps him out. Dr said to try dove body wash. Haven’t yet but thought I would let you know.

Poor baby! My LO has very similar reactions to eczema (rash, pimples, dry patches, etc). My brother in law is a pediatrician and he recommended that I use the hydrocortisone cream (that my doc already prescribed along with eucerin eczema relief cream then top it off with a heavy emollient like Vaseline/Aquaphor. Hydrocortisone twice a day only. It’s been two weeks and her pimples and rash have completely gone away. I also stopped using the steroid cream and only used it to treat bad areas. And her itching has stopped dramatically! I hope this helps.

Also, try to have your LO wear clothes that are 100% cotton only. :)

I was told by a doctor to use Aveeno on my toddlers eczema when she was younger and it made it sooo much worse. We were then prescribed epimax to use as body wash and body cream which helped. Could it be the oat milk maybe as well?

Thank you everyone! To answer the questions as one - the aveeno has been prescribed, and we’ve literally used it 2 or 3 times? She’s on a mild steroid too. We’ve had a few creams/ointments, one being epaderm, diprobase and we tried Cerave! It seems that everything we’ve tried hurts her skin, and she says it stings when it goes on 😭 I haven’t heard of the Vaseline trick! We’ve got her in long sleeve vests, and leggings/trousers/tights etc! I’m scared to put short sleeve as then her arms are more accessible to her, even though she literally wakes screaming in the night as she’s itching and she’s pulled both sleeves up! I’m going to do another e-consult tomorrow as the doctor said to keep them updated if and when she flares! We’re thinking about going private though, as honestly the doctors are useless and I just want to help her! Her behaviour has drastically changed where she’s obviously so uncomfortable in her own skin x

I really recommend drought secret products x

Aveeno really aggravated my son’s eczema!!

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