@Alyssa she was so condescending. She was like ma'am I'm talking to your husband... excuse me, but I've always been told u have to ask for permission to exit the car during a traffic stop, and it's inhumane to expect my child to sit in her filth. I'm so angry right now.
What the heck.. I would contest
Im sorry you received a ticket but as someone who worked in insurance for years and has seen horrible accidents from innocent attempts to pull over.. never do so unless it’s an emergency and tending to a diaper would not really qualify equally to someone needing that lane to get to a hospital. Now in my personal opinion— if there wasn’t an obstruction made then they should totally let you off the hook bc I really do wish there was more empathy for children needs in our society but doing so may influence others which could cause safety concerns for at risk patients or worse endanger your family to someone who might actually be trying to speed through.. all things I’ve unfortunately seen case after case.. when I’m making this discussion I usually base it on whether it’s a life or death situation… bc that’s the risk. Just things to consider. I know sometime it’s hard to see the full picture when we’re impacted
That’s wild!?! What the heck, never heard of this, ugh sorry hope it gets dismissed
@Cherry I do not agree. If you're in bumper to bumper traffic, and it's not clearing up anytime soon, a poopy diaper is absolutely cause enough to pull over a safe distance from the highway, especially if you have an opportunity to safely do so. If we were actually moving at any speed above 10 mph, I agree that it wouldn't be wise to do so.
Wow! I’m so sorry that happened to you. How did that conversation go with that cop? What a terrible person…