Sleep regression or teething?

Or both?! My little boy is 4 months and has always been quite a good sleeper. He would go down at 8pm, dream feed at 11pm then wake for a night feed between 4am-5am before going back down til around 7/7:30am. The past couple of weeks, he has been waking a couple of times crying after we put him down at 8pm, and before 11pm. He is also waking around 2-3am, sometimes hungry and sometimes not. He is definitely teething as he’s got one rosy cheek, is dribbling a lot and bringing everything to his mouth! Has anyone got any tips on if his sleep is affected by one or the other, or both of these things?! And anything we can do to ease his teething pain! Thanks in advance mamas 🫶🏻
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Not a part of this group but came across this somehow. Definitely sleep regression. The 4 month sleep regression was the most brutal for us and lasted around 6 weeks 🙃 Your little one is still quite small, I remember I thought my girl was teething at that age but we didn’t get a tooth until 7 months. He might be teething but a lot of the time it’s not actually that. Look out for inflamed swollen gums. However, if he is teething, anbesol liquid (I think from 5 months) and Ashton and parson sachets will be your best friend. If he’s in excruciating pain go for infant ibuprofen over paracetamol as it’s anti-inflammatory 🫶🏼

4m was by far the hardest stage and it lasted ages! There’s lots of things happening at 4m - sleep regression - potential teething - major leap - and I think a growth spurt If teething: - regular paracetamol/ibuprofen - frozen bm in mesh feeder / nipple of bottle - cool teethers - munch mitts etc

Def sleep regression. Hang in there!! My lo had all the signs of teething like you described and got his first tooth at 8 months.

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