4m was by far the hardest stage and it lasted ages! There’s lots of things happening at 4m - sleep regression - potential teething - major leap - and I think a growth spurt If teething: - regular paracetamol/ibuprofen - frozen bm in mesh feeder / nipple of bottle - cool teethers - munch mitts etc
Def sleep regression. Hang in there!! My lo had all the signs of teething like you described and got his first tooth at 8 months.
Not a part of this group but came across this somehow. Definitely sleep regression. The 4 month sleep regression was the most brutal for us and lasted around 6 weeks 🙃 Your little one is still quite small, I remember I thought my girl was teething at that age but we didn’t get a tooth until 7 months. He might be teething but a lot of the time it’s not actually that. Look out for inflamed swollen gums. However, if he is teething, anbesol liquid (I think from 5 months) and Ashton and parson sachets will be your best friend. If he’s in excruciating pain go for infant ibuprofen over paracetamol as it’s anti-inflammatory 🫶🏼