My baby just want to sleep with my breast.

Since she born she learn to sleep after breastfeeding, I was trying to don’t teach her like that because it was going to be exhausting for me eventually. She’s almost 6m and still just goes to sleep in my arms and eating, the issue is at nights because she’s waking up so many times and she just want to be there, even if is not hungry. I tried pacifier but she refuses to take it. I need advice how to help her to sleep better without the breast.
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Same , my son is 9 months old . I’m exhausted from it but that’s the only way he sleeps. He doesn’t take pacifiers either

I went through this too, once I noticed he was taking big deep gulps and eyes were beginning to close, I remove the breast......yes they'd cry but I'd place them over my shoulder and comfort them until they fell back asleep and try put them down without waking. I stopped offering breast first also and would give comforting a good try first as I didn't know if it was comfort or hunger! I went through this with both my youngest.

@Zsofia omg! 9m please give me hope

If you know she’s full and has a clean diaper lay her down , she will cry but thug it out. She will quickly learn to sleep independently.

I tried introducing 1 bottle of expressed milk before sleep and it somehow does the trick cz he kinda sleeps longer with it

A heating pad before laying her down and a dirty sweaty t shirt near her crib or even a dirty bra

After they are done eating and just using you as a "pacifier" put them on you chest/shoulder and walk/bounce and sing once they get used to this start laying them in the bed and pat thier behind until they fall asleep. It worked with all but one of mine.

Gradually try and stop nursing her to sleep. We only just stopped at around 10.5-11 months and she only wakes once now for a feed (sometimes doesn’t). We started with taking her off the breast once she falls asleep and rocking her. Then after a few days I stopped nursing her when I could see she was getting sleepy but wasn’t asleep yet. Now her nursing sessions are separate from her sleep routines.

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