High BP and Scans

I've been having high BP throughout my pregnancy. I get it checked weekly and normally it does come down but more often than not it's high. I went in on Friday and it was high and remained high until they gave me the stat dose of labetalol. I went back on Saturday and the first two readings were high but the third was fine so they let me go without medication. They did book a scan and Doppler in for me today. What is the likelihood from induction? I'm 37+3 and found it odd (but good) that they are choosing not to medicate but not sure if that's because it's close to the end so will the option be to induce. I had my bloods done and they are negative for preacclamsia.
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Have you tried measuring it at home? I only ask as I developed something called white coat hypertension which means my BP is very high in medical settings but not at home. They gave me a machine to use at home so we go off that as even at midwife checkups mine shoots up to 150 systolic even though it’s usually 114 at home 😂

When I was on labetalol with my first I went in at 38+5 because my blood pressure had increased at home. They decided to induce me then rather than send me home with a higher dose. This time I’m also on labetalol and have a C-section planned for 38 weeks. I second checking it at home if you can. I check mine twice daily and will be so much higher when they take it.

@Rachel This is the exact same thing that happened with me! I have been monitoring at home and it is always fine but as soon as I go for my midwife appointments it is super high! Maybe worth either getting yourself a monitor to do at home or ask your midwife if it’s something that can be arranged! X

I’ve been the same my full pregnancy, it’s purely white coat syndrome. I test mine at home and I’m always within limits. It usually takes me 2/3 attempts in the hospital/docs to get a good reading x

I’m kind of the same! Have been sent to triage twice recently after my midwife appointments. The latest was yesterday where they couldn’t get the BP down as quickly as they’d liked in triage so now going to the midwife twice a week to get it tested. They spoke about admitting me but they didn’t and let me go without any medication. They asked if I had a BP monitor at home and I said I didn’t - they didn’t mention anything after that so I’m going to ask my midwife on Thursday if it’s worth getting one. They’ve also put “white collar syndrome” on my notes lol! Let me know how you get on x

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