Do I walk away from my marriage?
So I've been with my husband for 11 years. We have 2 kids together (8 and 1). We've been married for 2.5 years.
We are not in a great place. This has been on/off since last summer, and I'm truly at my wits end with it all.
It's like we argue most days, mainly about his lack of playing his part in the household. He doesn't clear up after himself, he is so messy and untidy, he doesn't cook (his version of cooking is ordering take out, even when money is tight), hardly ever helps with the kids bedtime routine, won't contribute to the housework (except loading/unloading the dishwasher once in a while) and i am TAPPED OUT!!
I returned back to work part time at the beginning of the year because I knew i wouldn't be able to work full time and look after my kids and run the house without burning myself out (I have an auto immune condition) so now he takes that as i am basically there at his beck and call.
I really don't know what to do anymore. I resent him so much. My eldest doesn't have the healthiest relationship with her dad, and I'm also going through some stuff with her mental health and receiving no support from him there either.
When I ask for help I get huffed at or told I'm always moaning or he will point blank refuse.
I don't want to break up my family but I'm at a point where I don't even know if I'm in love with him anymore because I don't feel loved and appreciated by him.
Am I expecting too much??
@Lyss my mum has offered me to come home to her but I don't want to up my kids and as silly as it may sound, my animals too (because I know he wouldn't look after them if I left and I can't take them with me). It would be easier if he left, but he won't. I left a few years ago and came back. I thought he'd changed and realised I was worth more than just to be treated like Cinderella but once I became pregnant again, he slipped back to his old ways x