Yeah just go to your mums. You’re stressed and that can make one react in a way that’s not productive. Going to your mums is productive because she will help. Sitting there fuming waiting for him to get home so you can tell him off is not good for blood pressure. Go to your mum’s, have a shower and chill out for a bit. Recharge your energy so you can tear his head off later. For the record, I’d be extremely unhappy too.
If possible, definitely get to your mums, or see if she is able to come to you. Hope you're okay, you definitely need a hug and a shower 🫶🏼🩷
Go to your mum's! I'm so sorry you are going through this, I really hope your mum is helpful and supportive. If this were a one off you could maybe forgive it but it sounds like he's just useless in general/doesn't care/isn't supportive. You may find it easier to solo parent as then you don't have expectations 😣
Go to your mum's! Or ask her to come over. She'll give you that time you need to sort yourself out. A shower with a double shampoo hairwash will do wonders. This situation would make anyone unhappy!
This sounds so difficult. Raising a baby is unbelievably hard and you need the support from your partner 100% for your physical and mental health. I’m my view this isn’t acceptable, sending my love and I hope things get better 💕💕
To be honest, I do think it may have been a mistake having a child with this ‘man’. But there’s no point dwelling on that, what’s done is done. I absolutely would not tolerate that absolute lack of respect for you and your basic needs. I would pack your bags and go to your mums asap