@🌸🎀ELLA🎀🌸 She's asking if they struggle to be submissive, I shared my opinion on how I think submission works in relationships. I've never worked or payed bills in my relationships but I've still struggled with submission in certain relationships (which is why I commented instead of voting and skewing the poll results), that was my point is that I don't think it's always tied to financial roles...
Depends on which bills I'm paying. If I have to pay half/most of the bills, then yes, I would have a problem being submissive. You need to be dominant in all aspects of your life for me to be submissive.
No I don’t. Being submissive is a choice I make every single day.
Hahahaha good joke, real knee slapper 😂😂😂
Submission to me has nothing to do with who makes more. In fact, it's a common trope that a lot of people in high power positions seek out sexual submission as a break from the rest of their lives
Like sexually?
No, my man is really good to me which makes it easy to submit to him. I respect him as a husband and father and what he brings to the table. I don’t limit it to financial provision. Submission is actually more about partnership than one being over the other
I can’t wrap my brain around handing over my power to someone who is my partner and my equal. I can’t imagine being asked to submit. To each their own, but not for me.
Maybe if you’re having a hard time being submissive, you can explore those thoughts / feelings. Maybe they are trying to tell you something
No I'm not submissive. We are equals. We discuss and compromise where we need to. We have a great and balanced relationship.
I don't have trouble with it as I am not submissive nor do I wish to be.
Why the fuck would I want to be submissive? That's essentially saying that your man is above you and should be treated like a god, no thanks
No because I won’t ever be and have no desire to be. If he decided he wanted me to be I’d leave 🤷🏻♀️
I will never be submissive. And I will teach my girls to never be submissive. 😂💃🏼
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I feel like this might be a man on here. This is a very odd post
I’m not a submissive person 😂 maybe sometimes In the bedroom 🤪 but generally no thanks ! I have a voice and I will use it x
@SquishyMommy1 I felt this. Some days are harder than others. If he's on top of his game it is so much easier to be submissive
Definitely not a man . I posted incognito because there are some judgy ass people on here no offense to any of you ladies that commented
I don’t struggle with it cause I don’t do it🤷🏼♀️ we are partners and make decisions together
For me honestly, it is hard for me to be submissive to my spouse in general, not just speaking in terms of the bedroom.. I just have a hard time being told what to do especially when I provide close to the same amount that you do to our household. Now if I was a home maker then I most definitely would feel that it is important to me submissive to my spouse as he would truly be the head of the household.. My spouse and I disagree more than often because he says that I don’t know my place as a woman
I definitely do agree with some of these comments, I just wanted honest opinion because I tend to be really close minded about things and wanted to get other women’s prospective
@✨Wis 🇭🇹 this ^^ I honestly really did take your comment to heart, because my spouse is very good to me as well, and I honestly did not look at it the way you presented it.. it should be about partnership vs control you are absolutely right. I just felt like in my head if I’m expected to submit, that my spouse should be expected to present hisself as the head of the household and fully provide
Yes not everyone has the same definition of it though. Personally, this is from a faith perspective for me as the idea from submission generally comes from the Bible. It’s about coming under a mission “sub-mission”. Men and women offer something different to the relationship. So yes, if your husband wants a submissive wife, he has to create a space for her to be able to submit and not just require it. That means loving his wife to the point of giving his life for her. Men who demand submission without themselves fulfilling their jobs are a walking red flag imo and shows that the man doesn’t know what he’s talking about
I don't work or pay bills but I am a mostly submissive wife, IMO submission is something earned. I feel like submission is something that should feel natural, and if it doesn't then it's either one of two things: 1) your partner hasn't earned your submission, or 2) you're just not a submissive type of person, which is perfectly fine and you shouldn't force yourself into a mindset that doesn't feel true to you.