@Shelle Awh! God bless her!💕 Would i be able to request a Sono? I was thinking to wait until next week to see maybe my cycle decided to change. or possibly tested way too early. Ectopic pregnancies are common on my moms side of the family. My 1st born, the tests came back positive immediately. Im a little afraid to wait and see. If i could request a sono then that would be great!
I went to an ER visit actually because of the early issues and they thought it was gastrointestinal so they did a mini sono yes. And maybe with your first you were just keeping better track? The sono would show all but it’s not everyone’s first option tho Ik those are expensive.
I’ve been super later on a few occasions that wernt me being pregnant. I have a super regular period that I tract and the only time I was late before was with my kids. I got a blood test for one of the times, was about 20 days late and even seemed to have symptoms but nope. I think our bodies just change with so many factors, postpartum, diet, stress, etc. wishing you luck on whatever you are hoping for! 💗
I would maybe wait a few more days unless the pain gets worse. I had a heterotopic with my son 3 years ago but had zero pain. If you go for a sono too soon you may see nothing. Let them test your hcg at the hospital and see what happens! Good luck with whatever you want! And be safe! ❤️
@Shelle Oh i see. and With my first, he was actually a surprise. I thought i couldnt get pregnant and then boom, a baby lol. I definitely will see if its possible to get one if the pain increases or maybe ill make a doctors appointment and have a blood test done. hopefully that might help in top of me expressing my discomfort. ty💕
@Tiffany Our bodies can be so complicated. I have an irregular period. ive always had a hard time keeping track of them. its always changes by a few days every couple of months. Lately its just been the nausea and random pains below my belly. I also had a c section. I wonder if that could be related to whats going on. Ty💕 i Hope to find out soon.
@Devyn wow! Ive just read how rare that is. I hope it all turned out well. and Thats a good idea. Ill see if i can get that done. The longer i wait, the more worried i get. ty💕
Very and yes. The intrauterine baby was safe and is now a handsome 3.5 year old little boy ❤️ did we get any news?!
@Devyn I completely delayed making myself an appointment or even another test. My Son was sick since Thursday and ive been so busy with taking care of him. His fever had just disappeared today. Your comment just reminded me about me😅. Sometimes I forget all about myself. 😫Making that appointment Tomorrow. Will definitely update as soon as I can. We also found a new doctors office as we were going through all of this, so i think ill have better luck getting an appointment soon.
I had 6 tests and even got a sono cause I just knew… they all say no but 2wks later there she was 🩷 maybe you’re early?