Implantation happens prior to a positive test (generally speaking) but also, your hcg levels shouldn't drop fast enough for an absolute negative test like what you're describing either. (also generally speaking..) However, there are a million reasons why you may be spotting at this stage of pregnancy, most being safe although nerve-wracking. I would definitely test again. Tests should be getting progressively darker, even becoming "dye stealers" where only the positive line shows up and the control line is barely visible. I have had both a chemical and an early loss, the bleeding was bright red, and I had very painful period pain with them. If you are cramping and it's bright red and comparable to your period flow, then sadly you're likely experiencing a loss. I'm hopeful for you that it's a sensitive cervix and pregnancy brain not understanding a dye stealer 🫂
@Sarah I never got dye stealers with my son and he’s 18 months old and I also bled heavily with him x
I never knew what one was until I was totally confused by one (my 5th pregnancy, 4th child) I wasn't even having pregnancy symptoms just confused where my cycle was and had to have someone who wasn't hormonal point out that I was reading the wrong line 🤦 I didn't keep testing with any of my others beyond the first couple of tests.
@Shannon Bless you lovely, let me know how you get on! I’ll keep you in my thoughts - I’m sorry to hear you’ve had loses before, I’ve had one loss before but it’s wasn’t a chemical loss
@Shannon I also didn’t get dye stealers with my three daughters, I’ve always found out at the earliest possible point and just believed the tests and didn’t test again x
@Sarah I didn’t know what one was until now either - wow that’s so strange because this is my 5th pregnancy too but will be my 4th child if I haven’t had a chemical loss - I’ve been feeling sick but nothing else, I haven’t had cramps or anything either - haha bless you! That’s exactly the same as me but for some reason I decided to keep testing this time so I don’t know if I had the same with my others because I didn’t keep testing 🤦🏻♀️ x
In MY opinion, As someone who’s had a stillborn and miscarriage… I would notify your OB right away and ask if they can do a transvaginal ultrasound to check on baby. Tell them your tests are coming back negative and for a HCG blood work test. IF you were to happen to have a miscarriage around 5/6 weeks like I did you’ll start bleeding for couple days like I did it’ll get heavier and then eventually start cramping a lot and need to go to bathroom, I felt relief after everything passed out of me and cramps stopped. BUT that’s playing worse case scenario as I’ve been through it so you know what to look for. I’ve heard people bleed sometimes through pregnancy but as my doctor told me it’s not to common. I’m more worried about your pregnancy tests coming back negative that happened to me too and that’s how I knew HCG was dropping😢 Keep us updated momma I hope everythings okays with your little bean❤️
@Sarah I’ve read that so many times too but I’ve always had a faint positive before implantation on the early detection tests and then waited until after implantation to test with a digital weeks test - this is what’s confusing me but I’ve never tested at this point before so I have no idea what’s going on - I’ve panicked every time because my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, however I’ve gone on to have three daughters 11 months in between the first two and 17 months in between the second and third - this will be my 4th child but 5th pregnancy if it’s not a chemical loss. How long would you wait to test again? Until the spotting stops or a week or so? The thing is the first tests I did were early detection ones which were getting progressively darker however when I tested negative yesterday I had just a normal not early detection test and a weeks indicator digital but they both came up negative so do you think it’s because I’m still so early and didn’t use early detection? Or
@Sarah am I wishful thinking? I’ve never had dye stealers with my three daughters so I guess its not typical so to speak - see this is the thing I’ve had a loss before and that was bright red and heavy but this is similar to what I had with my other three I’m just panicking because of the negatives yesterday - I’m sorry for your losses! Thank you so much for advice and help x
@Samantha Thank you lovely, I’ve tried to do that - I don’t get to see my midwife until 8 weeks (they won’t see you before) so because I’m not registered yet at the hospital through the midwife, when I rang the emergency early pregnancy unit they said there was nothing they could do, she wouldn’t offer me a transvaginal scan because she said I am too early and said it it’s going to happen it will happen so I’ve got to wait and see what happens so she wasn’t very helpful, didn’t help with my concerns at all - I’m so sorry for your losses! I haven’t cramped yet and it’s not heavy yet - it’s light spotting and it’s brown sorry for the tmi but it’s like coffee grounds? Is that how yours started? Ahhhh man, I’m hoping it wasn’t right but I have an awful feeling - I will do lovely, thank you so much much for your help and advice ❤️
Oh my. Are you in the US? I got transvaginal ultrasounds at 5 weeks to see what was going on and HCG tested. If needed don’t forget you can change your midwife or OB if you don’t feel there helping with your concerns. I had mine maybe 3-4 years ago, doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. But I mostly just remember the light bleeding and it slowly getting heavier throughout the week and my day off work once I got the small cramps I just had this feeling it was gonna happen like my body knew. I don’t remember having the coffee grounds like spotting. All you can do is make sure your taking your prenatals and not stress your self out to much till you can see your midwife🥲 But says “The color of the blood can range from pink to red to brown. Red blood is fresh blood that leaves the body quickly. Brown blood, on the other hand, is blood that's been in the uterus a while. You may see discharge the color of coffee grounds, or near black, during a miscarriage”
I’ve managed to book a private transvaginal scan last night but this morning I’ve had some red blood so it’s not looking good 😔
Me too. I tested negative this morning after red bleeding yesterday :(
@Shannon I’m so sorry for your loss lovely, it is such an awful feeling - I’m so sick of trying 😔
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Trusted by 5M+ women
Aw honestly me too. This is my 3rd loss so hopefully I can undergo testing now to identify the problem x
I’m having the same issue. Positive test about 12 days ago. I bled heavily for 4 days then it stopped my tests for darker and now I’ve got brown spotting again at 5+3 and my tests haven’t progressed 😢 let me know how you get on! I’m preparing myself for the worst as I’ve already had other loses!