Positive induction stories welcome

40+2 weeks today and have decided to go with being induced as my babies movements had changed and I had some blood that was concerning so after being examined by the doctor I have decided to be induced. Obviously nervous as hell and didn’t “plan” for this so anyone who can give me some advise/ share positive experiences it would be much appreciated! 💙✨🙏🏻🧸
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I was induced last Thursday evening at 39+5 due to high blood pressure, had 2 pessarys in and she was born a few hours later early Friday morning, waters broke on their own and she arrived literally 5 minutes after that! It was a positive experience for me x

@Chelsea thank you!! 💙

I was induced last Wednesday contractions started during the night and then waters were broken for me on the Thursday at lunch time. By 4:30 I was in active labour and four pushes later baby girl was here. Not all inductions are bad. Good luck xxx

@Chloe thank you so much! X

Wish I had more of a story to tell you but just that I’m currently being induced! So far nothing horrible to say it’s not been terribly painful and nothing bad to say, just pack for a while! I’m currently on my third day in hospital and no real signs of baby yet, hoping for things to speed up soon. Good luck! Xx

@Amy-May best of luck! I’m in now so we shall seee what happens! X

I was induced when my daughter was born because my waters broke but contractions didn’t come in. I had the drip on for a few hours and she was born next morning naturally. Really positive experience for me. Good luck xx

I had a positive induction with my son earlier this month. Remember you are in control- communicate with your nurse if you need to slow things down or take a break. Be prepared with your pain management techniques. Sleep meditations and movement were the best for early labor. My combs, the tub and counter pressure got me through active labor and delivery. Keep your mind as calm as possible. Sending hugs and well wishes!

I just had my 3rd induction last month! It was great! 13 hours from start to delivery.

I was induced for my own health 16 weeks ago. It was scary and difficult at the time but I wouldn’t change a thing now. Things took a while and I was impatient. Remember that it’s your body.You can request all the help, pain relief and calming techniques you need. Trust your body. It may not need anything. If you do, you are still smashing it. Meeting your baby is like meeting part of your own soul on the outside!

My son was out within 15 minutes. The process was a day long. I’m not sure if there’s more than one method but I was induced through ‘balloon method’

I was induced on a Thursday night. By Friday morning my contractions went into overdrive (every 90 seconds) and the pessary was taken out. I had a very quick labour and although I had 2nd degree tears I was glad it wasn’t drawn out and he came very quickly

I was induced at 38 weeks. I found hypnobirthing to be extremely helpful for me with preparing for birth! Keeping a positive mindset and listening to other positive induction stories was so helpful for me!! I was 0 dialated when i went in and they put the foley ballon in and cervidil and within 2 hours my water had broke and my body started having contractions on its own that were like 5 mins apart. I just did my breathing exercises, meditation and my different positions on birthing ball and i fully believe keeping myself relaxed and meditating allowed my cervix to dilate and open up quickly. From the start of when i received the foley ballon/cervidil to when i delivered my baby was 12 hours. All credit goes to the Lord of course but i really do believe that hypnobirthing was a huge reason for why my body handled induction so well. So i recommend hypnobirthing! You’ve got this!!

I was induced January 2024, unfortunately I was in hospital for 5 days (but that was because there were no beds!) I was 42+1 when I eventually got my waters broken. I went on the drip and she was born within 8 hours. I had an epidural to cope with the drip pain and it was beautiful! Really positive experience 💖

I've been induced twice and both have been such amazing experiences! First time was around 28 hours all in, but actual labour started around 2pm and baby was born at 11pm. Second time had 3 pessaries over night, went into labour in the morning - asked for paracetamol at 9am, waters went naturally at 12 noon, baby born at 13.28. Would get induced again in a heartbeat 🩷 feel free to message if you want any more details 🥰 good luck!

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I’ve been induced with my last 2. Both were my best births! My son (first induction) I made it to 7cm before needing the epidural. I was on a very gradual pitocin drip. Don’t forget you are in control! I asked them to let me know before upping my pitocin, you can also stop whenever you want! I pushed for about an hour/hour and a half. Everything was great but I did hemorrhage. It was caught and treated promptly. It was scary but still a lot less than when I had my 1st. Then for my youngest daughter I was getting a pill inserted into my cervix to induce my labor. It took a lot longer as you get 4 doses (1 every 4 hours). I was at 1 cm for every dose including the 4th dose. About 30 minutes after my 4th dose there was a small pop and contraction started HEAVY! My nurse came in and checked my cervix and I was a 5 and I was BEGGING for my epidural. In less than 30 minutes I got the epidural and they rechecked me and I was a 7. I progressed to a 10 in a couple of hours after my epidural.

I was induced at 37 weeks as a FTM, I was prepped by the nurses to expect it to take a long time so that was already in my head. From admission to birth took probably a little less than 36 hours but I was comfy and taken care of the entire time. No issues and had a very positive experience

The nurse came in and asked if I was a good pusher because while I was 10 cm dilated, she hadn’t descended all the was and was still a little high up. I told her no and she came back in an hour. I pushed about 5 times and she popped right out. After both experiences I personally think I prefer the pill and that is 100% what I’d ask for if I have another. I’m not one who believes in inducing just because (like I wouldn’t do it personally, I do not care what other women do with their bodies), I get induce because my daughter was a big baby for me (8lbs 10oz) and she had shoulder dystocia and got stuck and we lost her for a hot second and had to be resuscitated. I was not induced with her I was actually 3 days past her due date when I had her. But they want to induce me because of that. I get sonograms later in pregnancy so they can guesstimate my babies weight and I get induce based on that. My doctor pushed for a week early with my son but he seemed small to me so I let her induce me,

On my due date. He was 7lbs 3oz. My daughter was bigger and she was 7lbs 10oz.

I would read about the complications that can come with them breaking your water. I personally would not allow that to happen because of prolapsing. Ask for the risks and benefits for any and all procedures, do your own research and you make the best decision for you! I hope you have an amazing birth!

I was induced at 38 weeks. I had a few sweeps in the week of the induction by my midwife so I did go in already at 3-4cm at 6am. They broke my water and I started on the drip at 9am, slowly made my way through the day with the pain and contractions rising and he was born after a few pushes at 8:40pm. Really positive, I was dreading labour, heard lots of horror stories about induction but found it all really positive and calm ☺️ all positive thoughts your way! ☺️

I was induced at 38 weeks, was in active labour for only 20 minutes and pushed for 3 minutes with no tears or stitches. I did it unmedicated too. Honestly had such a good experience I’d do it again

I was induced as I was 8 days overdue, I’d been dreading it as I’d only heard negative experiences and really wanted to avoid it, and I knew i wouldnt be able to be in the birth centre which I really wanted! I honestly ended up having a really positive experience, I gave birth 6 hours after being induced without epidural/need for any interventions. Even though it meant things didn’t go as I’d planned/hoped, my birth and labour were really good and I actually enjoy talking about my experience which must be a good thing🥰 Good luck, and try to stay positive💙

I’ve had two inductions. I wanted one for my 3rd. I loved my experiences

I was induced at 39 weeks , a great experience!

I was induced the day before my due date bc I was already on maternity leave and didn't want to wait any longer! It was a very positive experience. I got to skip the balloon (they couldn't get it in) and the pill worked really well on me. I walked around a bunch and my water broke on its own and then the contractions got really strong and I got an epidural. I flipped from side to side with the peanut thing and then was ready to push. My epidural worked so well I felt nothing but pressure when pushing. About 14 hours start to finish. I heard a lot of negative things about inductions from people who were trying to talk me out of it but I am glad I didn't listen to them I had a great birth experience! I hope you do too.

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