Sneezing after c section

Why’d nobody tell me it would hurt after having a c section 🥲 I think I just died a little
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coughed yet? 🤣

Whatever u do don't laugh!

Yea it hurts.

It's a horrible surprise.

Oh no!!!! lol I remember doing everything in my power to make sure I didn’t get sick before giving birth via c section. The worst thing ever is probably coughing and sneezing constantly while feeling sick and recovering! I can’t imagine people who had covid during that time.

Hold a pillow to your tummy xx

Yesss, when you get a cold 2 days later and coughing all day&night 🙈 ouch!!! 🙈

It didn't hurt for me 😅

I caught a cough while in hospital having my c-section. Was so painful and tried to suppress them, which wasn't fun 😬

If you put a pillow against your scar area while coughing or sneezing it makes it little better

Laughing has been the most painful for me 🥲

@Deb that’s what my doctor told me to do.

When I felt a sneeze coming I pinched my nose and 95% of the time i didn’t sneeze x

Hold a pillow on the area for sneezing, coughing or laughing

Hold a pillow to your tummy!

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Press a pillow or stuffie or blanket against your incision line/belly when you have to cough or sneeze!!! A life saving tip my postpartum nurses gave me (:

I’m trying to pillow next time 🥲 that was horrible and yeah I’m not laughing either that gave me a surprise to 😂

avoid driving down bumpy roads or over speed bumps 🥲

@Sarah I’ll be sure todo so 😂

Oh girl I used to use a pillow on my belly when I felt like I had to sneeze I would just pull it in tight

It doesn’t get any better 😂😭

Have you tried coughing or laughing 😂😂😂😂

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