
This is my second pregnancy. I'm 37+5. Yesterday at my prenatal appointment I was 5cm and she could feel the amniotic sac bulging. She said she didn't know how my water hadn't broken yet! Anyway, I feel like I'm having contractions, but they're not painful and I'm so lost. They were 10 minutes apart (which is when she wants me to come in) but then I feel like they stopped. The sensation is my whole belly tightening, crampiness, and a LOT of pressure at my cervix and butt. It's not unbearable pain, which is throwing me off. Anyone have contractions like this? When they're more consistent again I'll be calling the OB! Thanks!
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I am 36+6 and I feel like this was me last night. Baby is really low down and I swear I feel his head in between my legs. Second pregnancy and they haven't checked to see where he is yet or if I'm dilated but by god do I feel it. Anyway last night I felt like I was having contractions. They were on the painful side so that's why don't think it was braxton hicks and they last for a few hours before stopping. Not sure if it was because I was very active yesterday, same when they happened today when kiddo and I walked to nursery but feeling nothing now. I have a midwife appointment next week so hoping I will be checked then and can ask at that point.

So I went in for an induction where they told me I was contracting and I was 3cm I didn’t have any pain just pressure which was so odd if I haddnt of gone in I wouldn’t of known! They put me on the drip anyway and I ended up a a c section so I can’t say much past 4cm but I can definitely relate, if your starting to get pressure in to your butt I would probably go to get checked again as that could follow soon with the urge to push 🫣 not something you want in the car!

@Emma This is what's happening to me too, happening for hours then stopping. It's so confusing!

@Megan Yess I was/still am expecting pain with contractions, but it's just been crazy pressure!

I got checked and nothing seemed to have progressed since my appointment yesterday. And no consistent contractions either. So frustrating!

@Becca I think as it ramps up to the end you will definitely feel it! You definitely sound like you could pop at any moment though! Hopefully baby doesn’t keep you waiting too much longer x

This is how my labour started, I had painless contractions for about 24 hours and then they became 60 seconds apart, so I went to the hospital were they told me I was 4cm. My contractions were only painful 30 minutes before I started pushing! Definitely sounds like you're in early labour 🫶🏻 wishing you all the best!!

@Megan Yess I'm just taking it easy now and waiting until I can't deny it lol!

@Laci Oh wow! I read some other stories like that too! Pain only shortly before pushing! Hopefully I'll know in time !!

Thank you ladies for all your responses 😊

Update: My water broke! Still not consistent contractions, but I knew something was up today!!

Aw yay congratulations! That’s exciting that you’re early!

Keep us updated! hope you're snuggled up with baby now 🥺

@Becca ah exciting! 👏🏻

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