Ahhh good luck! I’m 2 weeks away and so curious!!
I tried it and it couldn’t tell! (I know the gender). I also asked in one of the nub groups when I was much earlier on and the predictions were wrong so I’d take everything re predictions with a huge pinch of salt 😅
@Anonymous from your scan I would say boy!
@Hannah That’s thrown a spanner in the works..😳😂 17 days until I find out xx
@Veronica girl
@Veronica boy?
@Hannah yay! That’s the same as what the sonographer & chat GPT said.. will find out the 5th of April 🙂
I just tried it with both my boys scan pics and Chat GPT told me it’s a girl based on all 3 theories 🤣
I don’t know how you guys prompted ChatGPT but mine categorically refused to predict or guess, insisting it’s not capable of that.
From all the scans I’ve sent to ChatGPT (asking for ramzi, nub & skull theories) it’s come back with girl result, I’ve posted in nub groups on here and people have also said girl.. Only 3 weeks until I find out if everyone’s right🤞🏼