Because the department of education was misusing tax payer money. Why is leaving it up to the states worse? Sometimes it looks worse than it is, and in this case I’m highly annoyed to know that my money wasn’t being used properly tbh
How was the department of education misusing funds? Do you know what the federal department of education is responsible for?
Even if they were misusing most of the funding, I’m not sure how getting rid of it altogether without a backup, “better” proposal first, is doing any good at all. All it’s gonna do is make schools in some states less financially functional/stable. Not sure why this would be a good idea but here’s to hoping they work on making some sort of better alternative so that all states can have proper/better education. But tbh I guess we don’t live in that kinda world, so probs won’t happen anytime soon 😫
@Lyss it’s a simple google search
@Claire I googled it and found no credible source. Please enlighten me on what sources you are finding? Something that isn’t written by a Trump and his unqualified cabinet picks?
@Claire exactly.
@Anna basically many of these responsibilities will be transferred to state and local authorities. Nobody is taking away grants etc, they will be managed by other federal agencies over time. I know it sounds like it’s all just gone but it’s just being handled differently.
@Lyss just Google “how was the department of education mis using funds” and it literally gives you an AI overview with specific examples at the top of your search. I looked this question up on my safari today
@Lyss either way, what makes you think they weren’t capable of mis using funds for the department of education when they were mis using our funds for other things that have been exposed like the social security stuff etc? It doesn’t sit right with me. Not even necessarily like “on purpose” though I’m sure there are plenty of corrupt individuals in the DOE, but like honestly just negligent people not doing their jobs right
@Claire Yes, I get that. but if those states and local authorities have less funding than in theory, the education will not be of as high of quality/etc. it’s taking the definite part out of the equation. And why would we not want every state to have definite quality education? there should’ve been something already proposed to be put into place of what was already there if it wasn’t working, in my opinion
@Claire I looked up exactly what you suggested and the AI overview gave a summary of allegations against the dept of education but all the links were republicans arguing that funds were being used to “indoctrinate children in leftist ideology” or funds were misused by schools themselves and the schools got in trouble, not the dept of education. There was no actual evidence backing up the allegations summarized by the AI overview
@Claire I see no credible proof that the dept of education was misusing funds. And I also know that what Trump and Elon was saying about social security was a lie. Again there was no factual proof funds with social security funds were being misused.
@Anna I agree, it shouldn’t have to be this way, we should be able to trust the people working for the govt and that they’re handling our money correctly. Dismantling the department of education doesn’t sound ideal, but I understand why that choice was made. Hopefully ppl get their stuff together and if we have a DOE again hopefully they’ll run it better. There’s no point in shelling out money to people who aren’t going to use it right though. Idk, just food for thought. I’m not a very political person, but some of the stuff being exposed is baffling me so bad it’s like unbelievable. The last thing I’m doing is trusting the govt/ the people in it who hide and cover up so immensely. It’s actually insane
Definitely not with my tax money at least lol
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Trusted by 5M+ women
@Claire True! I’m sure someone somewhere wasn’t handling things right. It just sucks that they’re taking things away and not giving better options. I guess that would be too ideal and there isn’t much money in it 😂
@Claire how do you trust Trump a convicted criminal and Elon someone who wasn’t elected making these decisions? Trump is also an untrustworthy political.
@Claire you do realize to compensate for no federal department of education you could pay more state taxes cuz they have to compensate for the lack of funding from the federal government?
@Lyss true, I never expressed my political views. Just my opinion on this specific matter.
@Anna yeah the govt is just a big fever dream in my opinion lol
@Claire you didn’t fully express your political views but you are the one saying that they are misusing funds and only Trump and his unqualified cabinet members are saying this… there is no unbiased third party (not political I’m referring to journalism) that says the doe is misusing funds.
@Lyss but coming from someone who was always a leftist, I’m not looking at this from a left or right standpoint, im looking at it from a logical standpoint. I hate trump, he absolutely is terrifying in the way that he is deporting people left and right. But he has exposed doge, and released jfk files, and saved people from space that Biden left up there bc of the election etc. all of the people over 100 years old receiving social checks? Like… THATS what my taxes are used for? I didn’t vote for him and I would and could never but I don’t disagree with exposing the govt and its corrupt ways
@ClaireAll those people receiving those checks is false. That has been fact checked and he lied. And yeah the astronauts are down. But that doesn’t mean he’s doing things right. Doge is a dangerous joke. And so are all these lies that Trump Is saying.
@Lyss you might read this in my other response but he has been exposing other things as well, things that you just can’t argue you. It is possible to be able to see things from a different perspective, I’m just looking at the situation not the people/person. If Biden wanted to expose these things then why didn’t he? What about Kamala? Because people that work in the govt are corrupt, all of them. They are all bought out in one way or another. Like ex: Bernie sanders (who I so dearly wanted to win) PLEDGED that he would not accept contributions over a certain amount from health insurance or pharm companies (as well as others) yet in the 2020 election, he was the top recipient of these types of contributions. They all lie, they all buy out, they’re all scared of the scarier person. I am not saying trump is a good person or what have you, but these specific things he’s doing to expose the govt, it is literally the tea
@Claire and why is he all up on the jfk assassination? For one, JFK is rolling in his grave over what Trump is doing and 2, why not release the Epstein files if he has nothing to hide? The JFK thing is just a mere distraction… it doesn’t mean anything
And basically that’s all it is, tea. Don’t care who serves it bc it doesn’t matter. I can’t control who wins what and neither can the average person. Maybe that’s a skewed viewpoint but I hate the left right thing, so very much. It’s exhausting and tears people apart, divides people for no reason. I’m just here eating my popcorn
@Claire you act as if I’m a dem who loved Biden… I never did. Biden is a Zionist. I know they are all corrupt. They all showed their hands on how they handle Gaza. But Trump is still far worse than anything Biden or Harris would have done. I definitely would not see Harris post a video of herself as a gold statue in Gaza…
@Lyss I never said that… like at all lol. Simply giving examples and explaining my point of view. I only spoke about myself lolgi
For those who said this is what you wanted… why did you want this?