Officially TTC!!

Hey everyone!! I’m officially actually trying for a baby!! I just started tracking my ovulation and so far the readings from Premom are very odd haha. I’m 8DPO and have been testing since yesterday for pregnancy. So far, all negatives!! Just posting this because I plan to make this my TTC diary 😅😂 thanks!! (Ovulation tests in the comments!)
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The pink are pregnancy tests and the blue is ovulation tests. The blue will always show up as two lines. And when you’re about to ovulate the first like will be as dark or almost as dark as the control line. And that means peak. So you will ovulate 12-36 hours after

How do you know you’re 8dpo? Were you testing before. Could you share that picture

Did you actually track your ovulation peak this month or you’re just starting mid-cycle? What seems “odd” about the tests to you? When was your last period? The cycle days listed in the app look very long (unless you missed your period last month)

@Gabrielle I took an ovulation test last week on Wednesday or Thursday and it was a blazing positive. I did worst case scenario and deemed that I ovulated that Thursday. I didn’t take a pic of that test, just took mental note of it and threw it out. I only took it for shits and giggles. 😂 wasn’t expecting a positive at all

@Leah so I accidentally caught my peak a week ago from this last Wednesday or Thursday. I didn’t snap a pic of that test but I vividly remember it was definitely a peak. I took the test for shits and giggles along with a pregnancy test. Since that positive, this last week I’ve been tracking ovulation. I have PCOS, and my last cycle was in January, so I definitely started mid-late cycle. The thing that was odd to me was how low my LH ratio was. I’m used to my baseline being 0.3 something. It’s odd to see them so low. My cycles postpartum have been between 65 and 90 days long. I just started AF today though so I’m looking forward to tracking this cycle. :)

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