I feel so stupid

This might be lengthy, but I’ll try to make it quick and hope it makes sense… so bear with me and brace yourselves. Back in 2016 I was diagnosed as infertile. Later on in life I chose to become a single mother by choice and had a baby via IVF using donor sperm. I went that route after many, many failed relationships, being infertile and after having a tubal ligation due to blockage and scarring. Fast forward to 2023 I meet a man on a dating app. He has a child the same age and sex as my first child. I let him know I’m infertile, how I got pregnant with my first and can’t get pregnant naturally. After we both got tested and came back clean we started having lots of unprotected sex. He started moving fast letting me we were in a serious relationship, he loves me and he saw a future with me. Lots of gifts, constant dates and long conversations, he was giving great future husband vibes. Come to find out he was a husband…. To another woman, living in the same house but they were getting divorced. To my surprise I get pregnant naturally by him 2 or 3 months into the relationship and I find out 4 months in. He acted as if he didn’t have a problem with the pregnancy for the week he tried to take care of me because I was so sick. We talked about getting an abortion but after I did some research and I had an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy I decided I couldn’t go through with that. His divorce was finalized that Friday and he spent the weekend with me. The following Monday I told him I’m going to keep the baby and that man disappeared on me. He stopped calling after we’d spend 24/7 on the phone our entire relationship. If I called him he’d say he’d call me back and never did. He never told me he wanted to break up with me. After a few weeks we finally did talk and that’s when he let me know we were no longer together, he didn’t want the baby, he’s not going to love our child like he does the child he had with his wife, he’s going to find a new girlfriend that will accept him while having a baby on the way and a lot of other hurtful and disrespectful things. Fast forward, I had the baby but this man ignored me my whole pregnancy. We probably spoke 3 times and it was only about him wanting a DNA test. Never cared that my pregnancy or the baby wasn’t doing well. I didn’t invite him to the birth and his name is not on the BC. I let him meet our son at 3 weeks because our son was sick and had to be rushed to the hospital. He started to come see our son every weekend for a month until he admitted to me he had a girlfriend he started dating when I was 4 or 5 months pregnant. After the disagreement of her being around our son he says he’s not coming to my house anymore to see our son. It’s been 5 months since he has seen our son and our son is 7 months now. He hasn’t called or texted to check on our son. I put him on child support and he reached out to ask if I did the DNA test and that was it. But I feel stupid because I want him back. I want us to try to work out what we had and try to be together but I need yall to talk some sense into me. Give me your, nice non judgmental thoughts opinions and advice.
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This is me shaking some sense into you. This man rejected you, rejected your son and treated you like fucking garbage. He didn’t even have the decency to DUMP you - he fucking GHOSTED you, the mother of his unborn child! You have dodged a bullet. Thank your lucky stars and don’t, for the love of Christ, go back to him.

The fact he was still with his wife when he met you and then he’s cheated on you with someone else is a major red flag that he is never going to be faithful to you. It doesn’t matter he was getting a divorce. He didn’t tell you this upfront so there were lies from the start. Then when he should have been supporting you he was with someone else and again keeping it from you. Not to mention the way he has treated your son and given you zero support and respect, why is it you want to be with him?? You all deserve better. Life is short and you don’t need time wasters in it. It truly is his loss. Stay strong and you will meet someone else in time that will treat you right

This man is a liar and cheater and he will remain a liar and a cheater. He doesn’t want anything to do with you or that baby. Keep him on child support and welcome someone into your life who actually likes you! Why would you want someone who did… all of this to you and his wife/ex?

I could never trust someone like him again, even if you got back together he is gonna do the same thing again. I know it’s easier said than done but try to move on like he never existed. Don’t waste your time and energy on someone like him, trust me there are a lot of good men out there, you and your kids deserve better.

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