My wrist and fingers hurt so bad! I am 10ths postpartum. Any mom’s experience this! Any remedy suggestions?
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Oh yes it is ! I had to wear a wrist brace. Mommy wrist is a real thing . It’s from how yu pick up the baby. It went away after a while

Yes I had it for soooooo long and my chiropractor saved me. It was the only thing that helped after I tried months of physical therapy!

Yes! My chiropractor had to refer me to a orthopedic hand specialist. I ended up needing shots in my hands. I could barely hold the baby and feed him properly. The shots were actually painless and the pain went away permanently. I wish I had gone in sooner. I waited almost 5 months after giving birth and was in so much pain everyday. My specialist said that his wife had to have this done for all three of her pregnancies. It's a common issue.

10 month PP and still have it in both wrists. I wear a brace occasionally and get injections to relieve the pain

Thanks ladies!! I’ll be investing in a brace ASAP!

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