@Gabriella He’s now 1 year and 3 weeks ☺️
Mine is 9 months now do I have yo wait till he’s 1 year old?
@Sophia I guess it would depend how well your LO is with eating solids? It doesn’t say anywhere on my paperwork anything to do with age…. Do whatever you feel comfortable with mama, you’ll know best ☺️
Alright then …. Thanks
I was just worried about giving my lil gal chocolate before she’s 1. And even at 1 I thought it was a bit early to be giving milk chocolate buttons 😂
@Gabriella We felt the same. To be honest we only gave him half a button for a few days and as soon as he was ok taking a full one we stopped giving them and moved on. He wasn’t having it for more than a week. Just give the teeth a good brush when they’ve had it lol
@Morgan good advice! Thank you 🙏
@Sophia mine has just turned 11 months but my hv said at 9 months that I could start it, just gotta make sure they aren't Teething or ill. This is a lengthy process so if you wanna start I don't see any harm. My Dr also said I need to be trying to introduce milk every 6 weeks. But try speaking to your hv
Thank you!
@Kerrie oh really, will speak to my hv
@Kerrie thanks 🙏
My dietician advised from 10 months to start the milk ladder. We have an appointment at the end of April, but I'm going to start trying next week
Thanks! How old is your LO?