I had mam bottles which can be sterilised in the microwave but we also had a tank and Milton liquid for anything else. I sterilised bottles after washing them up so they were ready to use
I love my UV steriliser and dryer. Had the steam one to begin with got fed up with waiting for things to dry tbh. I’m breastfeeding but pumping once a day to build a stash and have my partner feed a bottle once a day so couldn’t imagine waiting on multiple bottles to dry every day 😅
I like the milton because you can put dummies and teething toys and whatever else (I use nuby rapid cools for every feed so can throw them in too) in it for 24 hours and then just change. Bottles need to be sterilised after every use so I usually have 2 or 3 dirty bottles and then I wash and throw them in. They have to be in for 15 mins and then can be put back together and stay sterile for 24 hours
thoughts on milton cold water method please ? i do plan on mainly breast feeding but wish to express and occasionally use formula
@Hannah I love it. It’s so easy and quick. I can either leave stuff in it or get them out and I used to put all her teething toys etc in it too
Milton 100%! So quick and easy. So handy when baby is being fussy, just clean the bottles and shove them in and get them out when needed. Very handy for toys and dummies too
The mam bottles specifically can be sterilised without the steamer unit from them - I haven’t used the microwave steriliser unit since baby was around 4 months old, as soon as she went onto the bigger bottles I just stick them in the microwave themselves. Before when she was on the smaller bottles more often it was useful for that - would do a wash and sterilise about twice a day - but now I only do it at the end of the day x