I second the method that jess says. We do this except we have a hot and a cold Flask ( mainly use this for the night then we boil fresh and still use the cooled flask in the day x
I prepare the bottles every morning and every evening (sterilising them first, obviously). Place them in the fridge (as they last 24 hours, but we use them well before that) and warm 1 bottle up at every feed. Game changer for both day and night, time saver, less crying, less frustration for both adult and baby. Highly recommend!
The hot water needs to be added directly to the formula to act as a hot shot and kill off bacteria. Weve got a prep machine and it’s great. I do get paranoid about the cleanliness of the tank so just clean it and replace the filter more frequently.
have you heard of the hot shot method? you can do this with the nuby or a spare baby bottle with no need to sterilise either so your hot shot is 10ml per scoop of formula so 30ml for 3oz, 40ml for 4oz and so on then add formula, mix then add cool boiled so say your baby is on 3oz bottles if using the nuby pour 3oz in your bottle, pour 30ml into the lid (keep this as your hot shot) pour the rest of the water into the nuby to allow it to start cooling, add your 30ml of boiling water back into your bottle add 3 scoop of formula, mix then once nuby is cooled add the cool boiled water and the bottle should be perfect or you could use a spare baby bottle as your cool boiled so pour boiling into the spare baby bottle and either put it in the fridge to cool or leave it on the side just make sure your cool boiled is pre measured in the bottle as once formula is added to your hot shot you can no longer follow the measurements on the bottle due to displacement after the formula being added
I have a kettle that boil water to 70degrees (minimum that kills the bacteria but doesn’t kill the nutritions) then just put it to the cold water to cool down (for 2 minutes)
We also do the kettle method just boil it and let it cool to 70 degrees then cool the bottle down in some water. As baby eats every 3-4 hours just make it up ready. Over night we fill a flask with boiling water at the ready
When you say it dispenses the wrong amount what do you mean? Ours gives out the right water when the formula not added (inc hot shot). It’s the formula that bulks it up. You can always stop the water early by pressing the button again.
Baby Brezza has been a life saver
@Mia 🌼 I suppose the solution is to press the button again to stop the water early to make the correct amount but I know it’s not ideal But I do think it’s correct if it’s dispensing the 4oz of water without the formula as the box says 30ml of water per scoop. Just the bottles don’t account for the formula. I wonder if you used the Tommee Tippee bottle it would make a difference? 🤷🏼♀️
We have the rapid cool. We have two, and a Milton box thing that holds the water. The water is good for 24 hours and it takes 15 mins to sterilise. So at night we use the rapid cools, then in the morning we wash both up and pop them in the steriliser
I said rapidcool but tbf we did fridge last time and it was fab
For those who do the fridge method, how are you heating the bottles when you need them?
I love the prep machine but do also love the rapid cool which would be good for in the house too (using the hot shot method). I have a cold water steriliser which is great, as someone mentioned previously, you fill with cold water and pop in a Milton sterilising tablet and the water stays sterile for up to 24 hours so can wash and sterilise frequently
@Kimberley bottle warmer! Or ask for a wine bucket with warm water when out
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I use prep machine during the day but flask and rapid cool during the night 🙂
@Sam nope I ran it without any powder and it still put over 5oz in
@Mia 🌼 ah I see. Sorry it seems faulty for you!
I used a prep machine for my first but I dropped it and it broke so rather than just spend a lot on a new one I bought the rapid cooler and I think it’s just as easy to be honest. We do the hot shot method so don’t need to sterilise it. If you don’t want to buy the rapid cooler you could just allow boiled water to cool and then just do the hot shot method and add the cooled water
We have 2 prep machines, both dispense too much water but one does more then the other so not a generic thing 😂 We just press the button again to cancel it when it gets to the right amount and this works fine for us 🥰
You can buy a UV steriliser specifically for the rapid cool which is really easy to use and only takes 1 minute 😊
What we do and it’s midwife approved (unlike the prep machine 😉) is boil a flask of water then allow it to cool (we replace this every 24 hours as that’s when it stops being sterile) use that to fill each bottle to 90ml then top up with freshly boiled water to 120ml (basically 30ml of fresh boiled water per feed) the boiled amount is enough of a ‘hot shot’ then add the formula as normal x