Ivf because of health issues- uk

This is a long one sorry. So I've been diagnosed with brain tumor and my Drs want to put me on this drug which is supposed to slow down any growth . Its technically not chemo/radio but I can't be pregnant while I'm on it. I want to have a second child (already have 1) and my Dr said he can give me a year to get pregnant and give birth before putting me on that drug. Now the tricky part is I need to get pregnant in exactly 3 months max. While I'd like to have hope and try to conceive naturally I only have a small window to do it so considering ivf. Had the initial scan and bloods taken today with a consult next week. My follicle count was 10 in each ovary. Is that quite normal? My understanding is I can't try naturally while injecting myself with hormones. Is that accurate? My idea was to freeze my embryos as soon as possible and if there's any time left try naturally and if not, do the implantation. I'm not very knowledgeable on this yet so any advise or suggestions are super welcome. I'm also taking prenatal vitamin( proceive) magnesium and iron supplements. Is there anything else I should consider? Tia x
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That’s a good antral follicule count that you have (20). Depending on how quickly you conceived last time, I am not sure if IVF will necessarily get you there faster but it will probably give you the safety of having embryos on ice (likely if you and your partner have no fertility issues). You may have 1 cycle to try naturally. It’s unlikely you’ll have more as IvF does not move that quickly and they need to work around your cycle. Thats if you decide to freeze your potential embryo(s) and not do a fresh transfer.

@Annia, thank you for your reply! Last time, I unfortunately had a miscarriage at 6 weeks, but then we got pregnant the following month ( understand how lucky we were and don't expect the same). I'd like to get the embryos genetically tested and was told that if that's the case, I would need to freeze them and couldn't do fresh transfer.

Yes that’s correct, you’ll have to biopsy and then freeze them all. The turnaround is 2-3 weeks. You can do a transfer about 6-8 weeks after retrieval. That does not really give you time to try naturally.

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