Pregnant or not?

I took a strip test this morning and it had a faint second line. Wasn’t as dark as the control but could definitely be seen. This afternoon I’ve taken digital clear blue. Held my wee for a few hours prior. This came back not pregnant? Which one do I believe? Is it too early for the digital as I’m ‘2 days’ before my period. Which I have very irregular so can’t be confirmed. Or is it a false positive? Is it an indent line maybe? It had red dye over the line. I have no idea! I’ve now ripped open the clear blue and there is 2 lines?? This would be baby number 2 and is very much wanted. Please help!!
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Likely pregnant, should always use first urine of the day this early for the hcg to be detected.

Were any of these pink dye tests? Go with that! I think you’re pregnant and that you’ll see a big fat positive in a few days. 🥰

I see another line . Try and use the clear blue tests . They are very accurate

@Lisa I used pink dye this morning! That gave me a faint positive!

@Svk this picture is clear blue that’s been ripped open as I did strip with a faint positive then clear blue digital and this said not pregnant but this was inside

Once you open these, they come invalid xx test again in 48 hours as your HCG will double xx

Congratulations 🎊 👏🏽 💐

Even a faint second line means positive c it detects the hormones . Congrats!

Digital tests are trash and the devils work 😂 I’d never ever take another! I’d personally go for clear blue stick tests or first response. They you can see line progression as well as the days go by 💜🩷

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