Why would a nurse tell you to stop screaming?

I literally had a nurse tell me to stop making noise while actively in the ring of fire. I don’t mean to be disrespectful because I am usually in awe of people who work in healthcare but I swtg these labor and delivery nurses completely forget what their job is and the reality it entails
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I would've looked at that nurse and screamed "fuck off and get out!" at them. A mom should be allowed to labor and deliver any way that is safe for baby

Report that shit expeditiously

How do you report things?

Telling you to stop screaming and trying you to stop making noise are two different things. Technically speaking, a high-pitched scream isn't really helpful in labor. It just burns up your energy, which you need. A low moan/groan can be more beneficial.

@Julia you can report it to the charge nurse in labor and delivery

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